• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Ozzy2015 Glog

I hadn't had enough time to sit down and actually get this going but i figured better late than never.  I also want a way to document my season so if anything i can go back to reference good and bad things that happen.
I'll start with the grow list in no particular order:
Caribbean Red Hab (overwinter)
Jalapeno x Pepperoncini
Early Jalapeno
Purple Jalapeno
Carolina Reaper
Aji Pinapple
Aji Mango
Aji Limon
Chocolate Hab
Chocolate Bhut
Red Bhut
Large Red Bhut
Big Sun Hab
Unknown Brazilian
White Hab
Hot Lemon
TMS Yellow
Pimenta de Neyde
Sweet Cherry
Yellow Fatallii
Yellow Scotch Bonnet
MOA Scotch Bonnet
Chocolate Scotch Bonnet
Jamaican Hot Chocolate
Brazilian Starfish
Tequila Sunrise
7 Pot Yellow
7 Pot White
7 Pot Bubblegum
Mini Bell 
Large Orange Thai
Butch T
Naga Morich
Datil Red
Orange Hab
Big Jim
Chocolate Trinidad Scorpion
Purple Beauty Bell
Late Editions:
Bahemian Goat (Plant from Juanitos)
Jay's Peach (Juanitos)
Rocoto Turbo Yellow (Juanitos)
Rocoto Manzano Rojo (Juanitos)
Red Savina (Chocolatescotchbonnet)
Golden Cayenne (Chocolatescotchbonnet)
Chocolate 7Pot (Chocolatescotchbonnet)
Yellow Devil's Tongue (Chocolatescotchbonnet)
San Marzano
Sweet Basil
Thai Basil
Other Veggies:
Lettuce assortment
Also growing some various flowers for Mother's Day and for our deck.
Here's a picture of what i have going on in my basement.

as you can see I'm starting to run out of room.  I really need to cull down some of my plants but i have a lot of people around that I said I would dole out some plants.  Aside from that, there will be a local farmer's market starting up soon that I can take them to and try to sell some of them.  I really have a hard time throwing plants out.  
Hey, Scott.  Plants are looking really good.
Your first grow from seed is proceeding very well, indeed.
The 'eye in the sky' pic, especially, shows a
group of green, robust plants!  The JA Red Hab
is a real winner, all right.  Good job on the OW.  
I have had a hard time OWing habs here for some
reason; they usually tank in the late Winter/early Spring.  
I think you will like the 5 gallon Root Pouches.  
The red ones are way heavier duty than the
gray ones and should last a long time.
PaulG said:
Hey, Scott.  Plants are looking really good.
Your first grow from seed is proceeding very well, indeed.
The 'eye in the sky' pic, especially, shows a
group of green, robust plants!  The JA Red Hab
is a real winner, all right.  Good job on the OW.  
I have had a hard time OWing habs here for some
reason; they usually tank in the late Winter/early Spring.  
I think you will like the 5 gallon Root Pouches.  
The red ones are way heavier duty than the
gray ones and should last a long time.
Thanks. I bought some of the gray ones too. They're pretry stout bags. In definitely optimistic they will hold up well.
Did one last till and got all the rows ready. Tomorrow it's going down!

Just have to put the critter fence up and get some straw to lay down. Also got 15 plants potted up to their new 5gal root pouches. Pretty maids in a row.
Well, after this weekend I had 115 empty solo cups. Not all peppers. Had some other assorted veggies too. Still have room for 12 more plants in the ground and 7 more to go in pots after I make up more soil. Some of the plants are still small and I don't want them to get broken in a storm or something. I'll post some pictures later. I had to run last night to my son's swimming banquet and it was dark by the time I got home, and too dark when I left for work. Lots of work but it feels so good to have everything in the ground.
Actually, I do have one early pic my wife took. Started with the tomatoes.
Its all looking good Scott best of luck this season.
I just started hardening off the first round the other stuff still too young
Lol I'm a little worn out today. My back was definitely talking last night.[/quot
Your ahead of me my friend . Looks good . Keep up the fight.
Same here Scott your ahead working toward getting things ready here's to a great year in the show me state !
All the plants seem to like their new homes. I couldn't have lucked out any better on the timing too. It's been upper 70's all week for highs and mid 50's for lows. It's supposed to rain Sat and Sun night so I would have had a hell of a time trying to plant this weekend.
I just noticed last night that my overwinter Hab is growing a bigger pod. Hopefully it will keep getting bigger. Fresh pods aren't far away.

Also found this little guy on a a plant in the garden. This a good guy or bad guy? I'm gonna post it on pest thread too.
The garden is looking great Scott!!! Awesome job!!!
Nice Hab...
I like your compost setup with the pallets... I think I will try something like that also... Thanks!!!
Good luck on a continued successful grow this year!!!
I am no expert, so hopefully others with more knowledge will chime in with a definitive answer, but it looks a little like the Fig Wasp or others that I have seen... He doesn't look like a paper wasp, pigmy wasp, yellow jacket or other wasp that would be harmless to the plant... Some wasps lay their eggs inside fruit and stems, so I don't like any wasp around my plants that aren't on flowers... If bees are only landing on the flowers, then I leave them alone and allow them to pollinate the plants... However, I don't think this guy is interested in pollen... Just my $0.02.... FWIW (not much... LOL)
Yeah, I'm not sure what kind of wasp that is just saw it while I was watering and figured I'd take a pick. I still have to put a lid on the compost bins so they don't get completely drenched when it rains, but I think they're going to work. I work in construction so it's easy for me to get pallets. I love free stuff . Good luck to you as well
I went around delivering pepper plants to friends and family. It's so awesome seeing the smile on people's faces when you hook them up with some stuff they can't get at the store. My uncle who I brought plants to also has chickens. So he's gonna give me eggs and some manure. Great trade.
Enjoying a little brew and stogie before the rain comes.
So my son had to do a group project at school (3rd Grade) and he and his buddies are making a pepper growing business . He said they would grow peppers and sell tem along with hot sauces, jellies, and chile recipes. Gotta say it made me feel pretty cool. I gave him some seeds to get it started lol. He's going to grow some Chocolate Habs, Red Bhut's, Aji Mangoes, and Reapers. Funny thing is he hates hot stuff. Just a couple of years ago he thought black pepper was spicy. It's pretty awesome though that he's interested.
PaulG said:
Beer and a stogie - can't go wrong there!
I hope your plant-outs are thriving.
Not much change yet. I suppose that's a good thing though. I suppose the roots are sprawling out and preparing to kickstart some growth. I'm anticipating good things to come.
The Aerogarden is going strong now that I got the new pump. Here is the Caribbean Red cutting I took off 3 weeks ago with cilantro behind it.

Here are the roots. They have really shot out this week.

And a Red Savina seedling that I started the same time.
Scott how your plants taking the cool nights ?
It looks like everything doing fine the reason I am asking is I been thinking of transplanting my first wave & I don't want to jump the gun.
They seem to be fine. Although I imagine part of the reason they haven't taken off yet is due to the overnight lows being mid to upper 40's. They weren't going to get much bigger inside though since they were pretty root bound.