• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Ozzy2015 Glog

I hadn't had enough time to sit down and actually get this going but i figured better late than never.  I also want a way to document my season so if anything i can go back to reference good and bad things that happen.
I'll start with the grow list in no particular order:
Caribbean Red Hab (overwinter)
Jalapeno x Pepperoncini
Early Jalapeno
Purple Jalapeno
Carolina Reaper
Aji Pinapple
Aji Mango
Aji Limon
Chocolate Hab
Chocolate Bhut
Red Bhut
Large Red Bhut
Big Sun Hab
Unknown Brazilian
White Hab
Hot Lemon
TMS Yellow
Pimenta de Neyde
Sweet Cherry
Yellow Fatallii
Yellow Scotch Bonnet
MOA Scotch Bonnet
Chocolate Scotch Bonnet
Jamaican Hot Chocolate
Brazilian Starfish
Tequila Sunrise
7 Pot Yellow
7 Pot White
7 Pot Bubblegum
Mini Bell 
Large Orange Thai
Butch T
Naga Morich
Datil Red
Orange Hab
Big Jim
Chocolate Trinidad Scorpion
Purple Beauty Bell
Late Editions:
Bahemian Goat (Plant from Juanitos)
Jay's Peach (Juanitos)
Rocoto Turbo Yellow (Juanitos)
Rocoto Manzano Rojo (Juanitos)
Red Savina (Chocolatescotchbonnet)
Golden Cayenne (Chocolatescotchbonnet)
Chocolate 7Pot (Chocolatescotchbonnet)
Yellow Devil's Tongue (Chocolatescotchbonnet)
San Marzano
Sweet Basil
Thai Basil
Other Veggies:
Lettuce assortment
Also growing some various flowers for Mother's Day and for our deck.
Here's a picture of what i have going on in my basement.

as you can see I'm starting to run out of room.  I really need to cull down some of my plants but i have a lot of people around that I said I would dole out some plants.  Aside from that, there will be a local farmer's market starting up soon that I can take them to and try to sell some of them.  I really have a hard time throwing plants out.  
So these tomatillo plants grow like weeds lol. It's about to hit my light.

The tomatoes are coming along pretty well to but the tomatillos are almost the size of the sun flowers I have growing. I already had to move them due to the lights lol
jcw10tc said:
Thats interesting.  I grew a few tomatillos several years ago.  Don't remember them growing like that.  
I've never grown them so it's new to me. Today it's hitting the light. I'm hoping to get everything outside tomorrow. It's been chilly today with lows in the 30's tonight . I really need to get everything hardened off too but my only time is after work and on weekends. But it will happen when it happens I suppose.
Everything is looking good Ozzy what kind of tomatillos are they I have some purple ones growing and a few of those pineapple tomatillo/husk tomato seedlings as well.
Awright, Scott!  Plant-out is drawing closer.
Good luck with the aerogarden!
Plantguy76 said:
Everything is looking good Ozzy what kind of tomatillos are they I have some purple ones growing and a few of those pineapple tomatillo/husk tomato seedlings as well.
Well I thought I was growing the green ones lol. Guess I have purple.
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PaulG said:
Awright, Scott!  Plant-out is drawing closer.
Good luck with the aerogarden!
Indeed it is. If weren't for the week of rain we are going to get I would think hard about planting some stuff now.
I have everything outside today. Planning to bring it out again tomorrow too.

I'm really excited about the soil too. I forked over a couple of spots to check it out and every scoop out had multiple worms in it.


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jcw10tc said:
Have about half of mine outside also.  A little cool here but bright sun
Yeah low 60s here today and tomorrow and full sun. Rain all week. After tomorrow about half of my stuff should be hardened off and I can start to clear out my grow room next weekend if the ground isn't too wet.

I also got a chance to plant some small trees and raspberry bushes today. Yesterday we went to the Missouri Botanical Garden and they were giving out free trees for Arbor Day. My daughter got a Dogwood, my son a Blackgum, and I grabbed a Redbud. We already have so many damn trees but we needed some flowering stuff.
Here's the Dogwood. So you can see they're pretty small but it's fun to plant stuff you can associate with your kids. I also planted some fruit trees last fall as well as transplanting the Granny Smith tree we had at our last house, so we'll get to see some flowers on the trees pretty soon. I love spring!

The Botanical Gardens also make me want to work on the landscaping here. The Japanese garden area there is majestic. I totally get a Zen like easy feeling walking through there.
Ozzy2001 said:
I'm really regretting using the fish emulsion to fertilize today. My grow room smells like a recently drained fish tank lol.
That's a good thing, bro!
Well, the smell definitely disipated after having everything outside again yesterday. 4hrs Saturday and 6hrs yesterday. Most of the big plants will be ready to plant out this weekend if the weather cooperates. I have no need need to rush the others though. Going to be a wet week here.
Figured I'd throw a couple pics up of some of the plants.
Unknown Brazilian (supposedly has 2-3" long red pods)

Once pods form I'll have to put it in the ID forum

Here's one of the Fish pepper plants. It's a little sunburned and the leafs are starting to change like fish do

Aji Pineapple


I'm itching to get these outside so bad.
Gave my overwintered Carribean Red Hab a new home.

It's been outside this whole week. The leaves got a little burnt up over the weekend but it's been pushing out new shoots. My dumb dogs broke one of the bigger limbs coming out the bottom
Going to pot up 15 more plants this weekend into their new 5g root pouches. Going to have to make up some more soil too. I filled up the 15 bags and ran out. I still have 7 other bags to fill.
D3monic said:
Very nice OW. Love the carib. red habs.
They are definitely my favorite right now.  However, I haven't even tried a lot of what I'm growing so that may change.  While I'm waiting for all of those though this Red is gonna be pumping some pods out this season.  I'm really anxious to see how many pods i get out of this plant.  There have been a ton of flowers on it.  Definitely going to make a puree of Carribean Red soon.
Nothing special here. I just love the view point from above.
Trident chilli said:
Scott you say nothing special but those are some really healthy plants and I would be proud of them ... great grow I wish you all the best for this season
Thanks a lot. I owe it to everyone on this site. This is my first year growing from seed aside from a couple jalapeño plants last year. I've learned so much from all the contributions here. So I'm definitely proud of how everything is going. I grew a lot of extras expecting to lose some and I haven't lost any yet lol. I'm having a lot of fun doing it to, which is most important. I love all the bonnets you have going. I'm probably going to hit you up for some of those seeds.