Pakistani Naga

So I've read a number of the articles surrounding the reaper, and saw the record obtained today, congratulations on that. The article says something about a Pakistani naga, I'm a big fan of peppers from the nagaland region, but I have never heard of a pakistani naga.  I've never seen one either. I searched google and can't find much of anything.  I lived with a Pakistani for a year and asked him about it and he doesn't have any idea either.  It seems strange to me that Pakistan would have a pepper named after a region in India, but it was brought to my attention that it may just be a name and not where the pepper was grown. Has anyone here grown the Pakistani Naga?  Where did it come from? Does anyone have any Pakistani Naga plants currently?  I'd be interested in know how they taste/look.  Maybe even interested in trading/buying seeds.  
Thanks in advance!
Rawkstah said:
It seems strange to me that Pakistan would have a pepper named after a region in India
Why is that weird? Butch T is not from Trinidad.
Browning said:
I always took it is a naga from pakisstan, while not giving out the particular variety
A naga from pakistan doesn't make sense to me, nagas are from nagaland, india.  not very close to pakistan.  if it originated as a naga pepper that was later selectively bred further in pakistan it would make sense to me... but I can't find any information about this pepper anywhere. 
Rawkstah said:
I assume the T was for Taylor
Yup it is. ButchT Trinidad Scorpion. Point being...

Pakistani Naga. Could be Pakistani grower of hybrid, same deal. Or a variety that grows across the border. No idea though!
Rawkstah said:
A naga from pakistan doesn't make sense to me, nagas are from nagaland, india.  not very close to pakistan.  if it originated as a naga pepper that was later selectively bred further in pakistan it would make sense to me... but I can't find any information about this pepper anywhere. 
no idea buddy
The Hot Pepper said:
Yup it is. ButchT Trinidad Scorpion. Point being...

Pakistani Naga. Could be Pakistani grower of hybrid, same deal. Or a variety that grows across the border. No idea though!
thats correct if the breeder(s) tell you the full story behind the name/variety 
The Hot Pepper said:
Who's fighting?
over the name. whether it is or it is not from Pakistan 
I have always heard that Ed has both of the plants for use in the genetic research or something of the sort but have never seen a picture of either variety