Well Hell.

Hate to be the one to say Pam had a point, but.....

My red savinas look like cayennes, my scotch bonnets look like pepperoncinis, Pepperoncinis look like frankenstein's monster, etc.

I know that seeds could have been mismarked by seed companies, but I have a feeling that lots of seeds were "open air" that were not marked as such.

Not really complaining, just posting my results.

I am the last one that would have wanted to complain about this wonderfully selfless and giving project, but I am iffy on next year participation at this point.

Thanks to anyone who participated anyways.

(My organization was meticulous. 0% chance of switch ups)
I wasn't in on the package this year but some of my trades turned out not to be what they were labeled. If I was really looking for pure varieties, I'd probably buy a few seeds. Not complaining either... at this point I'm wondering what I have that is 'pure enough' to trade next season. Probably very few.
Are you surprised? There has been 10+ people here on THP just this last week who think their strange looking pods are the result of crosspollination that happened to their flowers, this year.

If they have pods that look like the pictures they would probably trade them as 100% true because they simply don't understand biology and genetics.

And there are probably the odd one or two who send out seeds they got from green supermarket peppers just because they want seeds others are charing.
I never, ever save seeds for the next year that were growing outside, only pods that were growing inside with or without manual polination.

The best way is to pretend you are making a cross, remove the petals just before the flower opens, instead of removing male parts, take the male parts from a flower thats already open with lots of pollen and polinate the female part.

Then tag the flower with some marker or string so you can find it later, and do this to a few more flowers.

Once the pods are ripe, take the seeds, bag em, tag em!
The least you should do is to isolate a couple of flowers with teabags unless you can put some cloth over the whole plant. Crosses can be fun - if you know it's a cross, even more fun if you are sure who the parents are.
MrArboc said:
The least you should do is to isolate a couple of flowers with teabags unless you can put some cloth over the whole plant. Crosses can be fun - if you know it's a cross, even more fun if you are sure who the parents are.

I'm doing several crosses this year... Some are already complete.

Host (Female) - Doner (Male)

Caribbean Red Habanero x Orange Habanero (complete)
Orange Habanero x Caribbean Red Habanero (complete)

Caribbean Red Habanero x West Indies Habanero (waiting for fruitset)
West Indies Habanero x Caribbean Red Habanero (complete)

Caribbean Red Habanero x Bih Jolokia (waiting for Bih flowers)
Bih Jolokia x Caribbean Red Habanero (waiting for Bih flowers)

Orange Habanero x West Indies habanero (complete)
West Indies Habanero x Orange Habanero

Orange Habanero x Bih Jolokia (waiting for Bih flowers)
Bih Jolokia x Orange Habanero (waiting for Bih flowers)

Bih Jolokia x West Indies Habanero (waiting for Bih flowers)
West Indies Habanero x Bih Jolokia (waiting for Bih flowers)

I am making sure to get viable seeds for each type of cross, male to female and female to male, just incase there are differences.

Next year I will grow two plants of each cross, one male to female the other female to male. And of course I'll be posting the results here :)

Crosses are so much fun! I cant wait to see the results.
Funny, I have most of my "unpure' issues with purchased seeds but I get a lot from trades too. I think a main problem is people trading seeds that they haven't grown before. When someone gets a bunch of seeds and instantly re-trades them without knowing anything about them, then this creates problems. I like to grow plants for several years before trading and learn as much about them as possible, and if my plants do cross then I can go back to original seeds or get new ones.
There are many tecniques to really up your chances of pure seeds but no method is really guaranteed, except for complete isolation which isn't easy to do with multiple varieties.
I'm currently growing something I bought from a seed vendor (therefore thought 'repudable'. Though to be honest, anyone can set up an online shop these days...:() which according several people on the forum isn't what it's supposed to be (a Naga Morich). So I guess it can happen too with vendors...

I'm willing to take a risk and grow something someone trades me, since there's always the surprise factor (must be a noob thing), though I can understand how it might be annoying if the label says 'Pequin' and you end up growing a 'Jalapeño'.
Yeah, I'm still n00b enough that I don't mind the new and unexpected. BUT I'd like to be able to have some seeds of 'value' to put in this year's package and not have to wonder about their dubious lineage.

Last year wasn't bad - I only did the isolation routine for the 2 plants I really wanted to be sure of. And even those didn't turn out so good - one had germination issues for me, the other tends to have sickly offspring. I guess the best we can do is be as honest as possible about seed origins and let the receiver beware.
caroltlw said:
Yeah, I'm still n00b enough that I don't mind the new and unexpected. BUT I'd like to be able to have some seeds of 'value' to put in this year's package and not have to wonder about their dubious lineage.

Last year wasn't bad - I only did the isolation routine for the 2 plants I really wanted to be sure of. And even those didn't turn out so good - one had germination issues for me, the other tends to have sickly offspring. I guess the best we can do is be as honest as possible about seed origins and let the receiver beware.

Carol, next year you should only grow one kind of pepper and save me seeds, ok? That way I know it won't cross!:( To me its amazing how pure they turn out. When I turn the fan off my hydroponics and shake a flower, pollen goes everywhere!:rolleyes:
Theres a lot of people I've traded with that I've never heard from again afterwards, and often their seeds are just junk or are not what they are labbelled as. I grew several versions of 7-pot a few years ago and the only ones to grow true were from Sara:(
There is a lot of generosity in the growing communities, but there are a lot of vultures too!
Theres a lot of people I've traded with that I've never heard from again afterwards, and often their seeds are just junk or are not what they are labbelled as. I grew several versions of 7-pot a few years ago and the only ones to grow true were from Sara:(
There is a lot of generosity in the growing communities, but there are a lot of vultures too!
Like me! spreading my fake bell seeds all over! :hell:
I think expecttions here are pretty high. I admit my expectations are lower. I just naturally assume that most of the seeds being traded here are open pollinated, and may contain unexpected crosses. Many people here are growing dozens of varieties in their backyards, so of course their will be unintended crosses. Remember, you get what you pay for.

Last winter I received Fatalii seeds from a couple of very generous members. One of the seeds turned out to be a cross. I think I am more excited by that plant than I am from any other that I grew. When I was giving away my plants, I kept that one because of my fondness and curiosity for it.
One of the premise of the parcel this last year was to identify the source of the seed, i.e. whether it was home grown isolated or bought from supplier. I think that when it finished its rounds, the only thing was a number and name of pepper...

I personlly, liked all the seeds I got out of the package...most of them are true to type, but there are a few that are not the right "pod shape"...some of my 7 pots look like they have been crossed with a Bhut or Naga of some sort, but they retain the 7 pot taste and heat...

with that being said, this years seeds were either my homegrown from last year, a few trades with others here, or from suppliers.

I have some interesting looking pods and colors this year...
AlabamaJack said:
some of my 7 pots look like they have been crossed with a Bhut or Naga of some sort, but they retain the 7 pot taste and heat...
You do know there's a long 7-Pot version, right? I actually think I sent you some.
I could have mislabeled Omri...they are almost smooth skinned and the pod is up to 2" long and has a great are three different shots of the 7 pots...(this post probably should be in the 7 Pot Skin thread)

Brain Strain from Cappy


7 Pot from last years seeds (my home grown...seeds originally from sara)


this is the one that may be mislabeled, but it is supposed to be from Cappy too...

Dunno about the smooth ones. weird... I did send you some that look a lot like a Bhut Jolokia, just meaner.