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Passow's Green Sauce FROM HELL!!!!!!!

Oh look here...what's this? A tease from my newest sauce? Why yes...yes, I believe it is. In a few hours time I will be commencing with my latest creation (with assistance from one of my hot sauce deciples, Eric Chem)......a green sauce....FROM THE DEPTHS OF HELL!!!!

It'll consist of all unripened peppers; Jolokias, Scorpins, and what ever the hell else I decided to pull out of the garden. Beer, Vinegar, Tiquila, garlic, rosemary, basil, a dash of salt (right at the end), ginger, saffron, tomatillo....and maybe some other stuff...like puppies or very small Canadians...

Pictures will come later....:crazy:
texas blues said:
No wonder. Just look where they live......


At least they dont live in Useless like I do :(
imaguitargod said:
Now all I have to do is wait two weeks for it to mellow and settle, open it up and try it.

Is that something you usually do? I usually can't wait, or don't make much and eat it too fast. I have some bottles from a batch I made over a month ago I should revisit to see if I notice a difference.
rshortt said:
Is that something you usually do? I usually can't wait, or don't make much and eat it too fast. I have some bottles from a batch I made over a month ago I should revisit to see if I notice a difference.

Yep, I always wait two weeks. IMHO all the layers of flavors need to mingle and infuse with each other and the vinegar.
Yeah, that batch of Naga4Brainz I made changed A LOT even in the week or so since I'd made it. I got two bottles (8oz total) still unopened.

I've got a small tub of extra that isn't sealed for just using and it's really gotten hotter (!) and more flavorful.
chilliman said:
Nice looking sauce. Great idea using green peppers, keep us updated.
Im thinking bitter. BUt hopefully the booze, garlic and salt settle it to make a killer sauce
It came out more tart than bitter. Little sweetness and a some vinegar taste. Oh ya, I threw about 7 ground cherries in there too.

texas blues said:
Nice going Jon! I don't think I could wait 2 weeks to try it.
When you have as many sauce to review as I do, you can put something like that in th eback of the closet and easly forget about it for a while ;)

texas blues said:
I've been quaffing that Spaten all week! One of my favorite Munich beers.

Salute! TB.
It tis good, especially when you get the ones in the case, they seem less skunked.

patrick said:
Ugly sauce. :P
Green sauces are nwever pritty are they. :lol:
imaguitargod said:
It came out more tart than bitter. Little sweetness and a some vinegar taste. Oh ya, I threw about 7 ground cherries in there too.

When you have as many sauce to review as I do, you can put something like that in th eback of the closet and easly forget about it for a while ;)

It tis good, especially when you get the ones in the case, they seem less skunked.

Green sauces are nwever pritty are they. :lol:

Definitely by the case. Damn flourescents kill it fast at the store in sixers.

Salute', TB.
Damn, you couldn't have waited a couple of days, I just took a shower and am nice and clean - even trimmed my toe nails and changed my underwear and socks.

Never mind, I wouldn't work, I am a big, XXlarge Canadian and let me tell you, its a good thing I live in Western Canada at the base of the Rocky Mountains because if I wasn't here Canada would lift off the face of the Earth and slip into the Atlantic Ocean.

Thanks for saving Canada.... oh ya.... nice look sauce.
sauce sounds inviting Iggy...surely you tasted it when you were making it...what is the burn like...front, back, middle of tongue....can you describe it? and did you write down how many and what kind of peppers you used?
AlabamaJack said:
sauce sounds inviting Iggy...surely you tasted it when you were making it...what is the burn like...front, back, middle of tongue....can you describe it? and did you write down how many and what kind of peppers you used?

Sorry AJ but...you've got to be kidding. Knowing Passow, he and his buddy just started tossing stuff into the pot.....just like I do! Writing down a recipe? Fuhgetaboutit!

Salute', TB.
AlabamaJack said:
sauce sounds inviting Iggy...surely you tasted it when you were making it...what is the burn like...front, back, middle of tongue....can you describe it? and did you write down how many and what kind of peppers you used?
Yep, I tasted it when we bottled. It's a little tart right now but that'll change. The heat starts out at a medium and slowly builds to an air suck. Builds for a good 3 minutes.

texas blues said:
Sorry AJ but...you've got to be kidding. Knowing Passow, he and his buddy just started tossing stuff into the pot.....just like I do! Writing down a recipe? Fuhgetaboutit!

Salute', TB.

Yep, TB's right. When it comes to sauces I juts start throwing stuff in at amounts that I think are good. If it doesn't look right, I add some more. :lol:
Sooooo, there are beers and vinegar growing in your garden....

Damn hippy.......;)

I have been intrigued by green sauce, ever since I realized that green yucateca is better than the red.