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Passow's Green Sauce FROM HELL!!!!!!!

Oh look here...what's this? A tease from my newest sauce? Why yes...yes, I believe it is. In a few hours time I will be commencing with my latest creation (with assistance from one of my hot sauce deciples, Eric Chem)......a green sauce....FROM THE DEPTHS OF HELL!!!!

It'll consist of all unripened peppers; Jolokias, Scorpins, and what ever the hell else I decided to pull out of the garden. Beer, Vinegar, Tiquila, garlic, rosemary, basil, a dash of salt (right at the end), ginger, saffron, tomatillo....and maybe some other stuff...like puppies or very small Canadians...

Pictures will come later....:crazy:
cheezydemon said:
Sooooo, there are beers and vinegar growing in your garden....

Damn hippy.......;)

I have been intrigued by green sauce, ever since I realized that green yucateca is better than the red.

You do know the only differance is the food colering right?