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Passow's Grow Log 4-23-2009 - Hardening Off and Hops

Well, since I planting out around May 1st and the weather has finally cleared, it's time to harden off the babies I was growing indoors. I put them out in the shade and they lasted a good 1.5 hours before starting to wilt:


Now that the hop string (coconut coir) is officially in place around the perimitor, it was time to start training the hops:

Main Patch:

Shade Hop (this bastard is thick!!!):

texas blues said:
Why did they wilt? Doesn't look that hot.

Cheers, TB.

Because they've never seen the outside world. The cell wall are not thick enough to withstand the outside world...hence the hardening off phase.
UPDATE: The shade hop pictured above is either Sunbeam (god I hope not) or Canadian RedVine. But it's still a bit early to tell.
imaguitargod said:
Because they've never seen the outside world. The cell wall are not thick enough to withstand the outside world...hence the hardening off phase.

Hmmm. Never had that problem before. I always had a little fan on them once they got 4 or 5 inches tall.

Cheers, TB.
So your plants are just wimps or what? The only time mine wilt a bit is when they need water. Even the habs I started from seed have been fine. After I stuck them outside when it hit mid 70's we had some cold spells down to high 30's. Still okay. Last few days in the low 90's. No worries.

Cheers, TB.
imaguitargod said:
Most everyone has the wilting hardening off thing...what makes yours so special?

Oh, I also topped all of them today.

I don't think there's anything special about them. I just haven't experienced the wilting 'thang moving them outside. Maybe it's the Sta-Hard creme I was rubbing on them.

Cheers, TB.
HHandF said:
That is totally uncool absconding someones account while they're away.
Ladies and gentilmen, the quilty party arrives back at the scene of the crime. :lol:

Omri said:
IGG spamming his own thread? :lol:

Ya, that was Brian (HHandF), he's my boss at work. He gave me a break and had a little fun while I was away. :lol:

If it was me spamming the thread there would have been something about hampsters or pie.
imaguitargod said:
Ladies and gentilmen, the quilty party arrives back at the scene of the crime. :lol:

Ya, that was Brian (HHandF), he's my boss at work. He gave me a break and had a little fun while I was away. :lol:

If it was me spamming the thread there would have been something about hampsters or pie.
Hamster pie!!!!