show-off Passow's Harvest 2007 Pics

ABurningMouth said:
Great shots. Do you mix them together in one sauce? That's gotta be good. Thanks for sharing.
I'm currently cooking down the sauce right now. It's a combo of about 13-16 differnt kinds of peppers.
imaguitargod said:
I'm currently cooking down the sauce right now. It's a combo of about 13-16 differnt kinds of peppers.

Ahhh! So it's a 'mad scientist' kinda sauce! lol

Actually, the very first test batch of my current commercially available 'red hot sauce' was made in late 2003 in a 1.7 oz bottle made with these chilies: fatalii, hinkle hatz, del diablo, bird dung, cayenne super II hybrid, jalapeno, thai hot dragon hybrid, and thai hot ornamental. I still have 2 of these bottles remaining, unopened. maybe I should auction them off on ebay or something?!? :lol:

Then I moved on to the Red Savina(R)... Couldn't get all those chilies commercially available in large quantities. Plus, the cost to produce a hot sauce with all of those odd varieties, would be ridiculous. Mighty tasty, but silly ridiculous! lol -Lars-
Hehe - just found out the little Thai birdseyes im growing are called thai prikinu or in english rat turd or dropping chilli.

Thats going to look great on the sauce bottle ;)