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Passow's Upsidedown Planter

Here's what my Topsy Turvy planter is doing. The plant is absolutly loving it (and that FoxFarm soil). It's a Fatalii! Extremely thick base.

One thing I love about this planter is you hardly ever have to water it. Anyone else notice that?
Very nice didn't know that can grow like that,I wonder if pods grow big as in the ground & if ripe faster or not.
915river said:
I wonder if pods grow big as in the ground & if ripe faster or not.
That's one of the things I'm waiting to find out. Those pods got to full size in one week. I have another plant in a regular pot as my control. The upside down seems to be growing faster.
getting really popular over here in the u.k,some of my toms are going in those next year..nice pics I.G :)
I agree with having to water less, and I'm still not sure why?
My chinese 5 color was outproducing my normal potted ones until it fell and broke but my upside-down naga is only starting to do well while others are doing much better.
Maybe next year I try couples of Topsy Turvy with my wild spicies peppers to find out how fast they will produce instead in hydroponic bubbler or Aero-Flo 20.
i would bet that it doesn't get as hot as if it were on the ground, as it has no cement or dirt or what have you to heat it up, but i don't know that would be the reason in my back yard, i have some crazy white cement that seems to make the peppers grow nice like.