• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Patrick's 2013 Grow Log

First off I would like to thank Millman for the inspiration to get off my duff and get the 2013 season started.

This list is probably not complete and I haven't figured out how many of each I'm going to grow. Or I should say attempt to grow. Me and Ma Nature ain't been seeing eye to eye lately. I'll be sacrificing some chickens or toads or what ever it takes to get her off my back soon. Burn some incense and do some chants? Convert to druidism? I'm open to suggestions. Anyway off to the list!

7 Pot Barrackpore
7 Pot BS, Orange
7 Pot BS, Red
7 Pot BS, Yellow
7 Pot Bubblegum
7 Pot Primo
7 Pot Rennie
7 Pot White
Antillies Fire
Bengle Naga
Bhut Jokokia, Chocolate
Bhut Jolokia, Caramel
Bonda Ma Jacque
Carolina Reaper
C. Rhomboideum
Douglah x T.S. Butch T F3
Habanero, Purple w/stinger
JPL#1 (Classified)
Orange Blob F2
SB7J, F1 + F2
Trini Scorp Butch T, Judy/Hippy
Trini Scorp Morouga Blend, Hippy
Trini Scorp, Morouga

To the wonderful peeps who have sent me seeds please forgive me if they aren't listed. Once I figure out where I put them I'll add 'em to the list.

Best of luck to all of you on your 2013 grow.
crap....did you move? I may have sent seeds to the wrong place before splitting for Ghana, or it may be sitting on my desk still-some hectic days there.
Have a good one-
More lives than Keith Richards...hilarious!

DJ haven't moved and I may have gotten the seeds you sent, Did you write "OP" on them or use yellow tape?

I dipped the plant into some rooting hormone and into a cup of water. I have confidence it will survive and will keep you guys updated.

Couple of quick pics of the first round of plants.



These are back under the HO T5 lights with about two feet of separation. The second round plants are under the florescent lights. While under the T5 lights the plants don't seem to get much height. Maybe I had them too close. Anyway the first round plants grew vertically while under the florescent lights so I'm thinking the second group will too.

This is the first year I've used the HO T5 lights on seedlings. I'm finding that the plants don't grow tall, they grow thick stems with a lot of nodes. When put under florescent lights they get their vertical growth but it isn't the entire stem that grows as most of the nodes are still clumped together towards the base of the plant. You can see what I'm talking about in these pics. Learning new things every year.

Thanks for the advice everyone.
I dipped the plant into some rooting hormone and into a cup of water. I have confidence it will survive and will keep you guys updated.

These are back under the HO T5 lights with about two feet of separation. The second round plants are under the florescent lights. While under the T5 lights the plants don't seem to get much height. Maybe I had them too close. Anyway the first round plants grew vertically while under the florescent lights so I'm thinking the second group will too.

This is the first year I've used the HO T5 lights on seedlings. I'm finding that the plants don't grow tall, they grow thick stems with a lot of nodes. When put under florescent lights they get their vertical growth but it isn't the entire stem that grows as most of the nodes are still clumped together towards the base of the plant. You can see what I'm talking about in these pics. Learning new things every year.

Thanks for the advice everyone.

Any special water you use when cloning?

I run my 4' x 6 bulb T5s 12 to 15" above the plants 18 to 20 hours a day after they have aged 4 to 5 weeks; before that it's 24/7. How close are you with the light?

Plants are looking good.
Hey peeps! I'm still here, just spending time putting  miles on the bike. Apologies for not keeping in touch better.
Plants are doing so so. I thought I had the mite problem again like last year but come to find out it isn't mites--it's my lawn service. They use a herbacide to keep the weeds down and lo and behold the effect it has on the plants looks exactly like broad mite damage.  Here's a couple of shots.


This is happening to about 90% of the plants. I removed leaves from half a dozen plants and put them under the microscope and couldn't find a single mite, egg, webbing or any other sign. Looked back at services my lawn care provided and sure enough all of this started happening a few days after they sprayed for weeds. More proof is the fact that five plants that were inside when they sprayed, which are now outside, show no signs of damage. I've cancelled my lawn service. I'll take care of the weeds myself.
Getting a few pods despite the setbacks.
Here's a Bengle Naga that has a few pods.

Here's a lonely TSMB from CPI seed.

Again sorry about the absence. I'll try to do better.
Sorry to hear about the pesticide they sprayed but your plants will survive. Good to hear from you again, glad your doing okay!
I'm not so sure that's herbicide, Patrick...My OW Yellow 7 did the same thing when I set it outside early in the season...The smaller, gnarly new growth was quite dark, and the older, larger leaves were paler...The plant eventually grew out of it...
Those Naga pods look very nice!
Welcome back Patrick.... Dude thats not cool about the lawn service spraying your plants... Might of been over spray or something but still they should of informed you of the date n time that they were to be spraying. At least you would of had time to move your plants... Over all your plants are podding up and thats a good sign...