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Patrick's 2014 Grow Log

Yeeee freaking haaaa! It's that time of year can you believe it? I'll try to do a better job keeping the glog updated but don't hate me if I don't please!
Going to cut back on types and just grow a few this year. Absolutely fell in love with the Trinidad Scorpion Morouga from CPI last season so that will be my main grow. Got a few Sepia Serpents from SS that I'm intrigued by so a few of them. Had poor success with the Carolina Reaper last year so I'm going to give them another shot this season. Some 7 Pot Brain Strains and some 7 Pot Primo's will round things out. I imagine I'll be adding a few here and there as I can't never be happy with things at the beginning.
Best of luck to all of you and I hope you all have a wonderful season.
Let's get this grow thing on!!
Better make it a double, Shane!
Thanks for the info, Patrick.  I'm not teaching anymore,
but have thought about keeping tarantulas again.  They
are such amazing examples of the beauty of the natural
And it sounds like your grow is getting a good roll on!
Back with the pics as promised. Nothing special, just a few more popped and a little bit of green!

Got one doing a bit of stretching. I'll be setting up the T5's in the next few days.

I'm with you Shane!
Paul if you ever want a T please let me know. I don't sell babies any longer but I have many friends who do and I'm positive I could get you a great deal on one. If you're looking for anything in particular let me know. I can't say enough on how easy they are to care for. They don't smell, make no noise, no changing of substrate, feed once a month, Like keeping fish except none of the hassles.
The American Tarantula Society, http://atshq.org/boards/ has a gallery with the spiders separated by genus. You can spend a lot of time just looking at pics.
Thanks guys.
Jeff I'm not sure yet. I started about 50 but my germination rates are pretty poor. I'll probably be starting some new ones with fresher seeds in the next couple of days. I keep telling myself I want to keep it under 30, I usually give 10-15 away, but it always gets bigger than it should. Not saying that's a bad thing. Ha!
Hi Patrick, looks like you will have a good grow, I'm growing quite a few super hots and some crosses This will be my last large garden grow, I will be looking at production, maturity, pod size and extreme heat and of course flavor, I have a few low heat ones I will be growing for the rest of my family while the super and ultra hots are for me and my brother and his son.
I really like your Tarantulas, that blue one is really pretty, I had a large spider crawl over my shoulder when I was in the jungle of Vietnam I never got to see what it looked like but my buddy said it was the biggest spider he ever saw, It did bite me on the back of my neck, but I really didn't feel it bite me just a slight sting kind of like a sweat bee, but I was pretty hyped up from watching what was going on at the time. I here some can get very big and take out baby birds and mice I imagine a bite from one of them would hurt. I know that there is a New Zealand or Australia  trap door spider that can really hurt you, but so can some of their ants and wasp, luckily none of them has made it to the states yet. Well it looks like you have control of things I hope you have a great season.
Wildseed57 thanks for sharing your experience with a tarantula. The genus that inhabits Vietnam is Haplopelma and there are too many species to list. Most are burrowers and when they're out they are looking for food. They don't have the best attitudes and their venom can cause some minor muscle cramps and nausea, sounds like you got a dry bite. Feeling your warmth I imagine it just tasted you and found you lacking--ha! I'm glad nothing came of it.
Back with a few pics. I noticed the roots beginning to sneak out of the holes I poked in the bottom of the cups so I decided to upgrade cup size from three ounce to 20 ounce on a few. Here's the before pic:

Here's the after pic:

And here's a pic of the root growth of one. They were all very similar.
Thanks guys.
May 15th is our last frost date in this part of the world so a long ways to go. I'll put them up once more into one gallon pots before going outside.
I love the T5 lights but I think I need to increase the distance a bit. Getting some darkening of a few leaves. T5's are some plant growing lights lemme tell ya.
This is my first season with lights, and the T5 is a force to be reckoned with for sure.
I had it turn leaves really dark, and some of the lighter colored plants took a brown hue on. What's really cool is the plants stay nice and compact, spitting out leaves at really short intervals between nodes. I want more ;)