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pauleys chillis

hello all here is a list of what im growing this year

all in all i got 90 chillis on the go a the moment / bih ..bhut..jolokia/naga morich/ jamacan red hots/ joes long/ fiesta / newmex twiglight/ peach habs/ orange habs/lemon habs/ and bell peppers ..
hears wishing you all a good growing season
all the best
How are your Peach and Lemon habs doing Pauley? I've managed to kill my Lemon Habs seedlings so I've started again. My Peach Habs are doing really well though. Are you growing them from TG seeds like me?
thanks for all the lovley comments guys
hello rainbowberry they are seeds from tuppy 90% off them come up
i only had 1 choc hab untill one off my cats killed it

neil i cant wait till my numex twilights are in fruit and i have'nt tried peach hab yet so i cant wait
i just been watching your vids on youtube
your a brave man

all the best
Well you know that if they're from Tuppy that they are gonna be lovely tasting pods. I had Lemon, Peach, and Chocolate Hab plus Scotch Bonnet from him. If you want a few choc hab seeds I've got a few left from Tuppy and a few from Afterburn. If you don't think it's too late for you to start them then PM me and I can send them to you if you have no seeds left.
afew more pics

here are a few more pics
here is a little stunted peach hab
and a orange hab

and a lemon hab

all the best pauley:)
heres a quick update

here goes all plants are now in the greenhouse its getting a bit hot i need to get some shading
my main bench

new update in a week or two

all the best
Hi Pauley, nice photos. Have you got all 90 plants in the greenhouse? (While I'm typing this if I look round out the window I can see the man installing mine). I'm hoping to get at least half of mine in the greenhouse this year.
fantastic plants by the way looking good,nearly killed my lemond to rb have recoverd most but lost 3 peach habs to,will reso with some red habs tommrow and some r.savina.:)
hi talas and rainbowberry
there is about 90 plants or so in the greenhouse now give or two 2 witch i lost 2 due to a hangover and not getting up till 1pm it got two hot i killed two weeklings (note to self it can get pretty hot in the morning sun even in south wales (uk)reading the bbc forecast today the north off england will (maybe)have frost in a week or so im going to keep a eye on the temp i dont want to lose any more..thanks for the offer of choc habs rainbowberry i still havent looked to see if i have any left from tuppy:oops: thanks for the offer though:)ill let you know ill probley start them next year if i havent got none ill pm you thank you .talas im gona treat them mean this year just to see if they get any hotter not a lot off water .though it kills me to see them drooping :hell: whell lets see how they turn out? ill keep you all posted

all the best