• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

PaulG 2012

I'm chomping at the bit to get started with some new chilli varieties this coming Spring. So far I've just scratched the surface with Poblanos, Jalapenos and Serranos, all of which I really like. I've been egged on by a new Second Generation Mejicano neighbor as we've talked about hot chillis over the back fence! He helped me make some Pico de Gallo with my Serranos and Early Girl tomatoes and has some great recipes from his mother and grandmother. Hopefully I'll be able to share some of them on this forum in the future. I need to grow more Cilantro. Oh yeah!

I've ordered seed from several sources which received at least a few good comments on this forum (6/12 - items crossed out did not germ, or weren't planted this year):

US Hot Stuff:
Bolivian Rainbow
Yellow Peter
Trinidad Scorpion (from Spankycolts)
Devil Tongue

The Hippy Seed Company: Seed Packet Mixes
NuMex Twilight (from Siliman)
Yellow Jellybeans
Tom Thumbs
Wild Texas Tepin

Refining Fire: Seed Packet Mix
Scotch Bonnet
Chocolate Habanero
Jamaican Red Mushroom

New Mexico State University:
Red Carribean Habanero
Orange Habanero

Pepper Gal:
Aji Yellow (request from a Peruvian friend of ours!)
Thai Hot

Inca Lost
White Habanero (from Spanky)
Red Savina (cross with Fatali, from Spanky)
Bishop's Crown
Inca Red Drop
Orange Rocoto
Congo Trinidad

I doubt I will be able to try all of these out this year, but I have saved my seeds in small glass jars with tight-fitting lids for storage over the next year. I have been saving seed from other garden produce and have had good luck with germinating them after two or even three years. The jars are stored in boxes in the garage for a cool dark location for them. I have ordered several compact varieties with an eye toward trying to winter over some of my plants this year. Since I didn't even know peppers were perennial, I can say I've already learned something from this forum!

I purchased a small greenhouse from One Stop Gardens (via Harbor Freight) for $300 four years ago. This is one of the greenhouse kits I've noticed in the greenhouse advertsing bar at the bottom of some of the pages on this forum. This picture is from Spring/ Summer 2011. You can see my tomato and pepper starts on the sheves. I winter over some bonsai trees and jade plants as well as geraniums, begonias and Gerbera Daisies. In the winter, I use a small space heater (visible on ground in the picture) to keep the temp at 40F during the few cold weeks we experience here. So far it has worked pretty well. If overwintering pepper plants becomes a reality I'll be making more room in the greenhouse! I've started a thread in the Grow Tech forum to discuss issues which crop up with these units.


January 14, 2012:


Okay, I need to do something outside. I know, I'll dig out a compost bin. We've had a little dry cool weather, so the worms have burrowed down, and the compost is crumbly, if a tad wet.


The first step - dig out the bin and sift the material. I use a homemade frame with a layer of 1/4 inch plastic hardware cloth backed with a layer of one inch mesh poultry netting. The fine stuff goes into the wheelbarrow, the coarse stuff into an adjacent compost bin we're still building up.


The bin on the left is covered to keep the leafy material dry and fluffy. The dry leaves are an important layer in the compost 'cake'. The bin on the right is the one I'm digging out. Nice, dark and crumbly with lots of worms! The sifter is on the wheelbarrow, and some of the coarse stuff is already on the active compost bin in the middle. The bin in the back is resting for several of months. It has a black plastic hardware cloth cover to keep out squirrels and racoons.


The bin is all dug out. I left about two inches of broken up compost on the bottom of the hole to create a space for the worms to move into. You can see the bin in the middle has a layer of coarse stuff spread out on the top.


The last step is to put a nice deep layer of dry leaves on the bin we just dug out. Now that bin will rest for a at least several months or more while the earthworms move into the compost/earth interface and do their work. That will make a great base for the next cycle of composting in this bin. I put a thin layer of leaves on the middle bin, too. Now there's a nice layer cake of dirt/compost, leaves. kitchen scraps. All small yard clippings except grass go into the compost bins, even tomato vines and pepper branches and twigs. I don't even chop stuff up too much. I try to have at least 10 or 12 layers of stuff built up before I cover the bin with a layer of dirt/compost and let the worms work for several months. I'm getting about 12-18 cubic feet of compost from these bins a year. My goal is to become 'soil self-sufficient' at some point, perhaps only having to procure horticultural pumice or vermiculite and some peat moss every so often.


The good stuff. It will go into a plastic, vented storage bin for at lest eight weeks to cure a bit. Then I mix it with a little peat moss and some vermiculite or pumice for aeration. In my large containers, I add 2 or 3 inches of compost worked into the top of the container only every year. I try not to mix up the soil layers in the big containers very much, letting the nutrients percolate down through the soil as in a natural setting. As the blog continues this summer, I'll include photos of the irrigation system and containers I use to grow my tomatoes and peppers, and a few other things.


Hmmmmm.....I think my Pequin Chiapas is moonlighting...

I have the same problem with my stakes. I put in stakes about 3' long leaving a couple feet above ground. They looked to be working just fine for a while. Now one Manzano plant it 2' tall and 5' across and a couple other plants are approaching 6' tall. I lost a branch off my Bell peppers this week due to the weight of the pods. Grrrrrrrr....One of my Jamaican Hot Yellow plants even uprooted itself due to the pods. Great problem to have I suppose, but still a problem!

Your plants look about perfect Paul. In spite of what I am sure is a hectic schedule you are running up there. Don't know how you do it. In my absence the ugly stick is beating on most of my plants. You are a pro-fo-sho!

Keep it up brother!

Hahahaha! Lookie there! Wasn't intentional! Those are the best ones! Have a great weekend! Mine just started right!
Hmmmmm.....I think my Pequin Chiapas is moonlighting...

I have the same problem with my stakes. I put in stakes about 3' long leaving a couple feet above ground. They looked to be working just fine for a while. Now one Manzano plant it 2' tall and 5' across and a couple other plants are approaching 6' tall. I lost a branch off my Bell peppers this week due to the weight of the pods. Grrrrrrrr....One of my Jamaican Hot Yellow plants even uprooted itself due to the pods. Great problem to have I suppose, but still a problem!

Your plants look about perfect Paul. In spite of what I am sure is a hectic schedule you are running up there. Don't know how you do it. In my absence the ugly stick is beating on most of my plants. You are a pro-fo-sho!

Keep it up brother!

Hahahaha! Lookie there! Wasn't intentional! Those are the best ones! Have a great weekend! Mine just started right!
Welcome to the top, bro!

Those plants look like twins! At least yours has some flowers on it! What size
pot is the Peuqin in? The yard survived dad's bout with the hospital because
the weather was so cruddy for the most part. If it had been nice and warm,
things might have not made it so nicely.

My manzano is close to 4' tall tied up on three bamboo sticks, and the side
branches are about 2' long. If it keeps growing, I don't know what I'll do with it.
The big pot is hard to move, especially with a large plant in it. I hope it has the
same problems as your plants - too many pods! Talk about irony ;) If it wasn't
staked up it would be spread out like yours. I need a bigger yard :D Thanks for
the kind words,my friend. The plants aren't perfect but the pepper gods have
been kind to me so far I just keep waiting for my plants to look like yours! The
pool side must be a jungle by now!

Thanks for looking, Shane; enjoy the weekend, my friend!

Nice work Paul - good to see some pics of your stuff! I thought about growing a tomatillo. What do you use yours for?
Hey Andy, nice to hear from you! The tomatillo is my first. Fernando (SoCal Chilehead) sent me the seeds. I have never had one before, and am not sure how to best use them. I'm not even sure what they look like! Thanks for checking in, my friend - will keep you posted on the tomatillos!

Looks awesome Paul if you need any more seeds just pm. Those early jalapenos are really piling on that is awesome.
Thanks for the offer, Fernando. I need to post a pic of your Costeno Amarillo. It's really taking off and I will need to pot up from the 2-gallon pot very soon! The Early Jalapenos have never produced like this before; it's been kind of a wacky season so far! I'm okay for seeds now, but if I see a variety I like on your glog, I'll let you know! Good growing to you, brother!
P.S. That is the sickest pod I've ever seen on your profile pic! It reminds me of a 50's Ray Miland movie called The Brain!
Pauly - your plants are truly inspirational! I'm notorious for "wanting the education before signing up for class"...and your garden is motivating me to "register" ASAP! :)

Not this year, but next winter - I'll have my ducks in a row. It's not just your results tho - it's your attitude and grace. I think your plants are mirroring your juju!!!!
Pauly - your plants are truly inspirational! I'm notorious for "wanting the education before signing up for class"...and your garden is motivating me to "register" ASAP! :)

Not this year, but next winter - I'll have my ducks in a row. It's not just your results tho - it's your attitude and grace. I think your plants are mirroring your juju!!!!
You are very generous, Christi! I have a feeling your ducks are more in a row than you let on ;)
Thanks for visiting - if you are ever down this way...

The Explosive Ember is really coloring up:

The Naga Morich sets a pod!

Cayenne being very productive:

Pics of my first pepper harvest this year:

Marconi Rosso:

Poblanos, some with stingers:

Early Jalapenos and Cayennes:

Top: Bolivian Rainbow, Pointed Yellow Habanero, Inca Red Drop
Bottom: Fatali x Red Savina, Black Pearl, Hungarian Yellow Wax

Okay, that's it for now. Thanks to all who sent good wishes for my dad over the past weeks. It made him feel
good to know so many were pulling for him. He got a good chuckle out of Stickman's comment about being
careful, not good! I hope all are having a good weekend, and that your peppers are podding up like crazy!
That pic is from a long time ago. Its in a 5 gallon container, and I ended up having to cut the two top brances back and its now a huge ball of a plant. I posted some ripe pod pics from it yesterday, will try to do a pic of the entire plant.

Hold on, you just updated!!! :dance: Wow, great harvest!!! Awesome Paul! You have the makings of a great stuffed pepper dinner!
Wow Paul great harvest you have there those early jalapenos are chucky I was considering growing those this year, but went with the giant jalapenos and biker billy. Yea man anything you need just shoot pm if I have it I will send it. The profile pic is a 7 pod brown once it getting podding up I will send a few your way.
That pic is from a long time ago. Its in a 5 gallon container, and I ended up having to cut the two top brances back and its now a huge ball of a plant. I posted some ripe pod pics from it yesterday, will try to do a pic of the entire plant.

Hold on, you just updated!!! :dance: Wow, great harvest!!! Awesome Paul! You have the makings of a great stuffed pepper dinner!
I can just imagine how the rest of the plant would explode if the
main branches are cut! I'll check out the pod pics.

Here's a pic of the Goat's Weed from your seeds. That's the
Wild Brazil next to it:

This is the bushy phenotype Peruvian Yellow Aji:

Wow Paul great harvest you have there those early jalapenos are chucky I was considering growing those this year, but went with the giant jalapenos and biker billy. Yea man anything you need just shoot pm if I have it I will send it. The profile pic is a 7 pod brown once it getting podding up I will send a few your way.
Thanks, Fernando. You are a brothah for sure! Here is a pic of the
Purple Tomatillo flower:

Omnicolor starting to change color:

Red Carribean (CPI). If 1/3 of these flowers set pods, this will be one
loaded plant:
Just a quickie pepper taste test. I tried some Bolivian Rainbow, Black
Pearl and Explosive Ember fresh off the bush just for fun. The Black
Pearl had a little tongue burn and not much flavor. Same for the
Explosive Ember, except more mouth burn. The Bolivian Rainbow,
on the other hand had a great fruity taste blast, followed by a decent
burn over the tongue, mouth and throat. It also had a much better
texture than the other two, not so chewy and tough. I'd say the burn
lasted about 10 minutes from one small pod.
Hey! Lookie there, the seeds I sent all growed up! Hopefully you get a few pods off the Wild Brazil...may have to ask you for some seeds back later on if mine get sick. Plants grew much taller than I expected. They are reportedly a Chinense, but the flowers and growth habit say Baccatum to me. Great flavor and a ton of pods. Goats weed is the same way, and will be a one plant powder factory. Not as sweet as a cayenne off the bush, but I like the powder from it better. My Omnicolor took FOREVER to really change colors other than their purple suntan. Finally starting to have some orange and red mixed in. Can't wait to see all your plants in full swing! It will be stunning with all the colors.
Everything looks amazing Paul going to be a great year for you my friend. Great review on the ornamentals and I didn't grow any this year, but I may have to look into the bolivian rainbow since it does have some flavor to it. The Red Carribean is loaded heavy with flowers. Hopefully everything continues being great for you and your family I hope Dad is continuing to improve.
Nice early harvests,
Your Caribbean Reds will be producing all the way til frost. When the leaves start to go limp the peppers will stand and make them easy pickin

Hi Paul, Nice looking Habs ya got there! Mine grew a bit bushier, but they're just as covered with blossoms and small pods. I've got a few pods on them that are full size but they'll probably be until the beginning of August before they start to really ripen. What do you plan on doing with yours?
looking great pauly, nice to see u back in action with your updates,
Thanks, Pinoy. Good to get back out in the yard for more
than just emergency maintenance!

Hey! Lookie there, the seeds I sent all growed up! Hopefully you get a few pods off the Wild Brazil...may have to ask you for some seeds back later on if mine get sick. Plants grew much taller than I expected. They are reportedly a Chinense, but the flowers and growth habit say Baccatum to me. Great flavor and a ton of pods. Goats weed is the same way, and will be a one plant powder factory. Not as sweet as a cayenne off the bush, but I like the powder from it better. My Omnicolor took FOREVER to really change colors other than their purple suntan. Finally starting to have some orange and red mixed in. Can't wait to see all your plants in full swing! It will be stunning with all the colors.
How about that! I hope to get some pods off the wild ones.
I would be happy to send you a few. The Wild Brazil is the
smallest now since it took 19 days to germinate if i remember
correctly. If the GW keep growing the way it is, I may just
get a few pods from it! I have a few orange tinted Omnis;
can't wait to try some of them.

Thanks for checking in, Shane. Good growin', my friend!

Everything looks amazing Paul going to be a great year for you my friend. Great review on the ornamentals and I didn't grow any this year, but I may have to look into the bolivian rainbow since it does have some flavor to it. The Red Carribean is loaded heavy with flowers. Hopefully everything continues being great for you and your family I hope Dad is continuing to improve.
Hello Fernando. Thanks for the good wishes. Dad is doing very well;
a little stronger each day. He is still in recovery mode,and I imagine
he will be for another couple of months. His old body took quite a
beating, but he didn't get to be 97 by being a wimp!

I'm hoping for some good pods from the habaneros. Hopefully, even
some of the supers will set a pod or two before this is all over. I like
the BR a lot. Very nice to look at, and very productive. Good growin',
my friend!

Good to see you relaxing with with plants again!
Thanks, Pr0d. Hope your grow is proceeding well.

Yea dude. awesome to have back at it. Great looking harvests! So your your plan with those Pablanos?
Thanks, Britt; it is good to be back into the garden a bit more.
I think I'll stuff them somehow. I'm not much of a cook, so it
will be touch and go. Hope your balcony is so crowded you
can't get on it!

Nice early harvests,
Your Caribbean Reds will be producing all the way til frost. When the leaves start to go limp the peppers will stand and make them easy pickin

Thanks for looking, Greg. That sounds good. I'm hoping for a
good harvest from that plant. It seems to do well here in the
PacNW climate. Hope Chicago is treating you well.

Hi Paul, Nice looking Habs ya got there! Mine grew a bit bushier, but they're just as covered with blossoms and small pods. I've got a few pods on them that are full size but they'll probably be until the beginning of August before they start to really ripen. What do you plan on doing with yours?
Howdy Rick, thanks for checking in. The hab plants look great; the
month of cool rainy weather in June left some with wrinkled leaves
and the growth was slowed down, but they are all putting out new
growth that looks pretty good. The Peruvian White Hab's pods are
light green now. I wonder if they will turn white when ripe? I will
probably use the habs for poppers and try to make some powder
and flakes. And just eat some in food dishes and bbq. I'm really
shooting in the dark here, so we'll see how it goes!
Wowzers man! Haven't stopped by in a minute but 56 pages bro! Your rockin the pepper world right now. Very nice harvest, the datil x fatalii look very cool and all your plants look healthy as could be brotha. My nagas just started setting pods too. I finally have pods on every plant I have. Your kickin ass and taking names Paul. Keep it up man, and I'll stop by more often.
Wowzers man! Haven't stopped by in a minute but 56 pages bro! Your rockin the pepper world right now. Very nice harvest, the datil x fatalii look very cool and all your plants look healthy as could be brotha. My nagas just started setting pods too. I finally have pods on every plant I have. Your kickin ass and taking names Paul. Keep it up man, and I'll stop by more often.
Hey, Jamison, thanks for stopping by! The Fatali is actually crossed
with a Red Savina, can't wait to pop it in my mouth! Pods on every plant!
Now that's a bonus. You have to be doing something right, my friend!
Hope your summer continues to be just outstanding and that the pepper
gods smile on you all the way to October!
Geez, I'm away from my computer for two days, and my glog is
on the third page :shocked: Good Lord, the updates are turning over so
fast, I can't keep up!

A few new developments to add since it's kind of showery outside
right now.

First Chocolate Habanero pod:

Purple Tomatillo (Fernando):

Costeno Amarillo (Fernando):

Manzano (Shane):

Black Pearl loaded down:

Omnicolor with ripe pod:

Red Habanero showing a couple of new pods:

Fatali x Red Savina setting some real pods rather than the small