• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

PaulG 2013

We are starting the New Year with a little run of freezing weather; lows in the 25˚F range at night.

1/1/13 - Soaked seeds 24+ hours, put into seed starting mix (BG, peat and perlite mix). The temp in the grow shelf about 72 degrees, the dome trays about 84 degrees.




Here's the seed and overwinter list for this season:

OW greenhouse plants. Seed source in parentheses, P = plant:

Explosive Ember, c. annuum (THSC)​
NuMex Twilight, c. annuum (CPI from Ken/Siliman)​
Black Pearl, c. annuum (THSC)​
Goat's Weed, c. annuum (Shane/Stc3248)​
Bushy Peruvian Market Yellow Aji, c. baccatum
Red Manzano, c. pubescens (Shane)​
Wild Texas Tepin, c. annuum (THSC)​
(?) Wild Brazil c. baccatum var. praetermissum (Shane)​
Fatali, c. chinense (Peppermania)​
Ghost Pepper, c. chinense (Robin/Spankycolts P)​
Chocolate Habanero, c. chinense (Refining Fire), also 2 in #1 pots​
'Red' Habanero, c. chinense (Lily Miller) - orange pods​
Peach Habanero, c. chinense (Fernando/SocalChilihead)​
Congo Trinidad, c. chinense (Peppermania)​

Seeds for this season. Seed source in parentheses, P = plant,

H = my pod harvest OP, * = repeat from 2012:​

*Costeño Amarillo, c. annuum (Fernando) H​
*Chiltepin, c.annuum (CPI)
*Marconi Rosso, c. annuum (Hume Organic)​
*Tepin cross, c. annuum (Shane) H​
*Tepin 15, c. annuum (Shane) H​
*Orange Rocoto, c. pubescens (Peppermania) H​
Devil's Tongue, c. chinense (USHotStuff)​
Yellow Seven, c. chinense (Trippa)​
*Naga Morich, c. chinense (Robin P) H​
*Bih Jolokia, c. chinense (Robin P) H​
Bonda Ma Jacques, c. chinense (Trippa)​
Bahamian Goat, c. chinense (Trippa)​
Congo Trinidad Yellow, c. chinense (Pia/Sanarda pod)​
*Congo Trinidad Red, c. chinense (Peppermania) H​
*Red Habanero, c. chinense (CPI)​
Jamaican Red Habanero, c. chinense (Ferry Morse)​
Red Savina, c. chinense (Peppermania)​
Jamaican Red Mushroom, c. chinense (Refining Fire)​
Peruvian White Habanero, c. chinense (Peppermania)​
Orange Habanero, c. chinense (CPI)​
*Fatali/Savina, c. chinense (Robin P) H​
*Pointed Yellow Habanero, c. chinense (Robin P) H​
Scotch Bonnet MoA, c. chinense (Steve)​
Scotch Bonnet TFM, c. chinense (Trippa)​
Yellow Scotch Bonnet, c. chinense (Refining Fire)​
*Giant White Habanero, c. chinense (Robin P) H​
Cool update on your clones, from the picture it seems they’ve made it out of the woods or as you stated are they still in “survival mode?”
Paul I think you need to change your Tag Line to include "Every Clone A Victory" also. Those babies are looking really good there so you may be onto something about the light and heat.

Have a great week brother,

Thanks for posting what "MoA" means. I've been scratching my head over that one!

And thanks again for the Orange Rocoto seeds. Looks like they got here unharmed. I'm going to soak and germ them this weekend!
I'm excited for you to get those going, brother!
Good luck; just remember they like moderate temperatures, at
least in my experience. I had a hard time getting the watering
dialed in until they were big and in 7 and 10 gallon pots.

Clones are looking like they survived the process. Goo work Paul.
Thanks, Patrick. So far, so good.

Cool update on your clones, from the picture it seems they’ve made it out of the woods or as you stated are they still in “survival mode?”
Hey, Ramon! 5/6 still alive. In the past I've learned that one can go
belly up at any time. That's why I took six cuttings hoping for two
good specimens. Time will tell.

Paul you stud you! Love the clones. Look healthy and happy to me. Keep the updates a rollin.
Oh, Britton, I bet you say that to all the growers!
it's amazing to me that plants will grow from a cutting!
Paul I think you need to change your Tag Line to include "Every Clone A Victory" also. Those babies are looking really good there so you may be onto something about the light and heat.

Have a great week brother,

Thanks, Bill. At least a clone is a step in the right direction!
I need to try rooting some cuttings in water to see how they do.
It may be a good method - I know several folk have mentioned
doing it that way here on the forum.
Rooting cuttings in water is probably the easiest
Way in my opinion ...no need for any cloning gel/powder ... simply snip, trim and dunk ... keep them in indirect sun light or under a flouro and refresh there water every couple of days .... and bam you can watch the roots form in 1.5-2 weeks ... works on all sorts of plants I have tried .... last being rosemary from the supermarket ...
Clones look great Paul. Do you have any sprouts from your MoA's yet or is it too soon?
Hi, Pia! Yes, the MoA's sprouted at about 20 days (Jan. 20), two out of three seeds.
They have nice, healthy first sets of true leaves. It looks like at least some success
with the bushy Yellow Aji clones. I just stuck a few Wild Texas Tepin clones in the
empty cells. They weren't the best looking cuttings, but one might take.

Rooting cuttings in water is probably the easiest
Way in my opinion ...no need for any cloning gel/powder ... simply snip, trim and dunk ... keep them in indirect sun light or under a flouro and refresh there water every couple of days .... and bam you can watch the roots form in 1.5-2 weeks ... works on all sorts of plants I have tried .... last being rosemary from the supermarket ...
I'm going to try that with some more Tepin cuttings tomorrow.

I culled all the smaller seedlings out of the starter cells today. It was hard at first, but then I realized it was a couple of
dozen or so clones I won't have to take care of later:
Culling is hard. But it is for the greater good, right?
I keep telling myself that!
The survivors will definitely be better off.
Sort of like giving subsidies to big corporations;
eliminate the competition!

:scared: did you use a panga or a chainsaw?
Haha, Lourens! I was thinking how cool it would be if I was a
centimeter tall walking around in the seedlings! Alas, a small
scissor worked perfectly ;)

Here are the survivors. All were started on 1/1/2013, so one month in the starter cells.
Parantheses: days (to germination / since germination) for the first sprouts.

Giant White Habanero (10/20), Red Habanero (6/24), Chiltepin (8/22),
Scotch Bonnet TFM (11/19), Bahamian Goat (7/23), Marconi Rosso (8/22):

Jamaican Red Habanero (8/22), Jamaican Red Mushroom (6/24), Bonda Ma Jacques (10/20),
Rocoto x2 (8/22), Costeño Amarillo (7/23), Naga Morich (8/22), Bih Jolokia (10/20), Yellow 7 (11/19):

Fatali/Savina (8/22), Congo Trinidad Red (8/22), Devil's Tongue (15/15), Scotch Bonnet MoA (19/11),
Pointed Yellow Habanero (7/23), Orange Habanero (6/23), Red Savina (8/22):

Congo Trinidad Yellow (7/23). These have had deformed leaves since they emerged. I noticed some of the big leaves look like they had leaf miner activity, so I seperated them from the rest of the seedlings. You can see evidence of their 'trails' on the larger leaves if you look close:

The Peruvian White Habaneros, garden harvest seed;
Great to read bout your SB MoA’s Paul, mine don’t even have leaves yet but one popped in 5 days and second in 6. I feel like all 6 of 6 will eventually pop seeing how quick the first 2 did but only time will tell. I can’t wait till mine have leaves like yours, great job on every ting mon!!!

…I was thinking how cool it would be if I was a centimeter tall walking around in the seedlings! …
With my luck the good bugs would show up and being so small I’d be lunch ;)
Great update as usually Paul, as someone else said, you are the cloning "King of Peppers" here. I see you've added a few extra super hots to the list. Many shades of green with your seedlings. The medium looks a bit wet. Have you fed the soil or sprayed the leaves with anthing, yet?
Ha........where's the food shots...just kiddin..............................not
Dang Paul! 11 Pages deep already.....smh it's going to be a long year lol. Glad things are going well. I love the grow box, nothing ghetto about it...it's perfect to me. I've failed at every clone attempt I've done...think I might have to go back and read the beginning of your 2012 Glog...

I'll be watchin' ya! Hope you have a great season.
Man, how did I miss this last update?! Those guys are growing fast! I knew those garden seeds of yours would come up well. The seeds from the pod you sent me came up like winners!
Hi Paul
In the end, I put together a grow box out of three quarter inch styrene foam faced with foil and held together with duct tape It's down in my unheated cellar. It looks a lot like your grow shelves, but it sits on a tabletop and I cut slots in the top board so I can still raise and lower the shop lights to conform to the growing plants inside. It holds heat amazingly well... the waste heat from the T8 and T12 tubes raises the temperature inside from an ambient temp of 50 degrees up to 80. Pretty cool huh?
Seem to be moving right along! I may have to take a page out of Paul's book and clone one or two that I only have one of...but I'm gonna wait for some side shoots I think??? Although all the accidental topping my plants took last year seemed to do them some good??? Always a fun and interesting read over here Paul! Keep 'em rockin buddy!