• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

PaulG 2016

Okay, back in the saddle again.  I checked out of this forum last September,
when my wife and I went on an 8-week vacation.  We had a blast, then I came
home to two months of yard work to catch up on, and holiday season to
contend with   :doh:   
I just this week finished grinding up all the dry pods from last season.  Managed
to get my seeds in to soak on Jan. 15th, and into the Jiffy Pellets on Jan. 16th.
I'm going for fewer varieties this season, but 3 or 4 plants of most varieties that
I grow out.  No small pod peppers this year, just too labor intensive for the results,
although I have some awesome small pod powders laid away.   Speaking of which,
I have so much powder I'm considering packaging and selling some this summer.  
I'm going to try to sell my fresh pods this Fall, so maybe no more powder production
until I need some, and then, just my favorites.  
2016 grow list and germination record:
Pod name                                             Source                                               seeds sown            germinated  
Aji Amarillo ................................ Peruvian Market, 4th gen. ................................... 6 ......................... 6 ................  100%
Yellow Scorpion......................... SpankyColts 2012, 4th gen. ................................ 9 ......................... 7 ................    77%
Scotch bonnet, TFM ................. Trippa 2013, 4th gen. .......................................... 9 ......................... 6 ................    66%
Fatali ......................................... Peppermania, 2012, 2nd gen. ............................. 9 ......................... 9 ................   100%
7 Pot Burgundy ........................ Sawyer 2014, 2nd gen. ....................................... 12 ......................  11 ................   92%
Red Rocoto .............................. Peruvian Market 2015, 1st gen. ........................... 6 .......................  5 .................    84%
JA Red Habanero .................... Devv/WalkGood 2014, 3rd gen. .......................... 12 ...................... 12 ................  100%
Bhut Jolokia Red ..................... SpankyColts 2012, 3rd gen. ................................ 12 ...................... 12 ...............  100%
Primo ....................................... MGold 2012, 2nd gen ........................................... 6 ........................  6 ...............  100%
Mystery Cross ......................... Trippa, 2014, F4 .................................................... 9 ........................  9 ...............  100%
Scotch Bonnet, Chocolate ...... GaGrowhead 2015, 2nd gen. ............................... 9 ........................  7 ................   77%
Padron ..................................... Spain 2015, 1st gen. ........................................... 12 ...................... 10 ................   84%
Bhut Jolokia, Chocolate .......... GaGrowhead, 2nd gen. .......................,................ 6 .......................  5 ..................  84%
Total ........................................................................................................................ 117 .................. 105 ...............  89.7%
The first seeds began germinating on Jan. 22nd and continued until Feb. 5
1/29 - First watering of earliest germinating plants
2/2 - Begin light fertilizer routine on older seedlings:  Cal-Mag, 1 tsp / gal.
                                                                                          AK Fish Fertilizer, 1 tsp / gal. 
     - Start fan on taller seedlings
Rocotos look like they might ripen
up before the season really ends:


The Padrones think it's May:


JA Habaneros pruned for the final
push. Lots of color has shown up
since this pic was taken a couple
of days ago:

Glad to see the JA Habs putting out for you Paul. They're very prolific plants. Mine are close to podding, it's gonna be a race to see if they do produce before it gets too cold. We're still in the mid to high 80's so my fingers are crossed.
One heck of a year considering the disease issues you had early on ;)  It just goes to show how plants respond to excellent care :P
Devv said:
Glad to see the JA Habs putting out for you Paul. They're very prolific plants. Mine are close to podding, it's gonna be a race to see if they do produce before it gets too cold. We're still in the mid to high 80's so my fingers are crossed.
One heck of a year considering the disease issues you had early on ;)  It just goes to show how plants respond to excellent care :P
Good luck bringing those JA Red Habaneros
home, Scott. As for the excellent care, sometimes
I think they thrive in spite of what we do!
stickman said:
I hope the Rocotos ripen up for you before this season pulls the plug. How old are the plants?
Got six of the Rocotos in today, Rick - pic below.

I started the seeds in January, so that makes
9 months and change, I guess.

Five inches of rain on tap for the next week. The
plug may already be pulled!

Harvested pods - lots of spliting due to wet
weather - just part of PNW growing:


A couple of bags of pods:


Odds and ends and a few Rocotos:


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@Matt: Keep 'em dry and warm, and they will produce
some color for you, all right!  Looks like theyhave a good start.
Thegreenchilemonster said:
Very healthy rocoto plants there! Do you plan to OW them?
No, Dale, It's just easy to start new seeds every
season.  I OW'd some before, but it's a lot of
hassle since I don't have a really good space for OW.
stickman said:
Despite the cracking, the Rocotos and Yellow Scorpions look delish!
The Rococos are bomb for sure! One of my favorites.
These will be stuffed and consumed!
The Scorpion's late season's pods are usually the best
wrt phenotype.  Dried low and slow, they make a 
great yellow powder.
madlionsmith said:
Trying to get my pods to color up in a raised bed polytunnel up here in the NW. 7 days of strait rain in the forecast..hope they ripen before they rot.
:welcome: Welcome aboard THP, Matt! Have you heard of the PNW ChiliFest?
Second weekend in Sept. is the usual time.  Sept 8-10/2017  :party:
Keep it in mind if it's not too far.
We drive up from Portland area.
Trident chilli said:
Rocoto's like hand grenades they are huge Paul .... stuffed and consumed .... nice!
I wish they were all like that one, John   :lol:   
I will settle, though.  I have lost count, but
if all ripen up, I'll get around 40ish from the
two plants  :drooling:
Will definitely grow a couple of these next
season along with some new Peruvian seed.
Hope all is well across the pond!
PaulG said:
:welcome: Welcome aboard THP, Matt! Have you heard of the PNW ChiliFest?
Second weekend in Sept. is the usual time.  Sept 8-10/2017  :party:
Keep it in mind if it's not too far.
We drive up from Portland area.

I wish they were all like that one, John   [emoji38]   
I will settle, though.  I have lost count, but
if all ripen up, I'll get around 40ish from the
two plants  :drooling:
Will definitely grow a couple of these next
season along with some new Peruvian seed.
Hope all is well across the pond!
Yes, thanks I have heard of the NWCF but never go as far north as Seattle for anything.
Any good tips for overwintering in a NW home? Humidity? Pot size? I won't be able to use lighting so it's a S. facing window.
Glad to see yet another fine harvest Paul.
You sir, make it look easy ;)
Congratulations on a really nice season, based on your preliminary expectations, I see you pulled a few aces out on the last few hands and scored big. :shh:
madlionsmith said:
Yes, thanks I have heard of the NWCF but never go as far north as Seattle for anything.
Any good tips for overwintering in a NW home? Humidity? Pot size? I won't be able to use lighting so it's a S. facing window.
If you have a south facing window with full exposure, the plant will
do fine there.  They probably would like some fresh air once in a 
while.  As far as humidity, your house environment might be okay.
I see lots of pictures on the forum with folks' chili plants inside, and
they seem to be doing okay.
Devv said:
Glad to see yet another fine harvest Paul.
You sir, make it look easy ;)
Congratulations on a really nice season, based on your preliminary expectations, I see you
"pulled a few aces out on the last few hands and scored big". :shh:
 Just call me Kenny Rodgers   :rofl:  You should write song lyrics, buddy!
Thanks for the vote of confidence, Scott!  Luck has
a lot to do with it   :)  I'm sure.  Still hoping for some
more Rocotos, Habaneros (picked a bunch of orange 
colored early pods to save them from impending deluge,) 
F4 PDN x Bondas, and BJ hybrids (also got some early orange
pods from the red variant.) Time will tell!
Hey Paul. I have not taken any pics yet of my (mini) grow. I will take a few and post them for you. They are not quite as impressive as yours. Those brain strains I got from your pod at last year's PNW fest are the hardiest plants I have ever seen considering the neglect they got early in the season. The Padrons are going to be lightly smoked and dried.
madlionsmith said:
Wow, I want some hardy PNW Brainstrain seeds. Is there a PNW seed sharing forum?
I'll check my seeds and see if I have any.  
They didn't produce for me - awesome phenotype, but only 4-6
pods off each plant, so I'm not growing here after two tries.
chileaddict said:
Hey Paul. I have not taken any pics yet of my (mini) grow. I will take a few and post them for you. They are not quite as impressive as yours. Those brain strains I got from your pod at last year's PNW fest are the hardiest plants I have ever seen considering the neglect they got early in the season. The Padrons are going to be lightly smoked and dried.
Glad to her the BS grew well for you - how's pod production?
Good call on the Padrones.  I have dried some red ones and
they make awesome, mild heat, flavorful powder and flakes.
Are you using green or red?
F4 PDN x Bonda have late season pods that
are pale yellow/ivorywith purple smudges, the
center group are early BJ hybrid red variant with
a nice orange color, BJ hybrids on the right:


My neighbor's latest chili harvest:


An awesome JA Red Mushroom with a brown
phenotype, courtesy of my neighbor:


Deseeded and ready for dryer:


Some nice-sized orange-colored JA Red Habanero
picked early to avoid bring waterlogged. My version
of Orange Habaneros!:


These go into freezer:


These go into the dehydtator:


Oily water spilled out of some of the pods:


Nabbed a couple of more Rocotos - the
big one is ripe, and the smaller starting to
crack and split:


Some pods dried at low temps to preserve
color and seeds.

Bhut Jolokia hybrid:


Scorpions. Lighter pods dried at lower


JA Red Habaneros:


Padrones ready for grinder:

Everything looks great!  I grew some Padrons last year.  I really liked them except for the inconsistency of heat.  It was like Russian roulette lol.  