• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

PaulG 2017

Seeds in the distilled water soak tonight,
into Jiffy Pellets tomorrow... Happy New


Seeds started 01/01/2017:
JA Red Habanero (CPI and self-selected) - 3
Fatali, yellow (Pepper Joe) - 3
PDN x Bonda Ma Jacques (F5 Trippa's cross) - 3
Aji Amarillo (F5 self selected) - 3
Rocotos/Manzanos/Cabe Gendot (self selected) - 7
Orange Bhut Copenhagen (Refining Fire) - 2
Aji Limo (Peruvian 2015) - 2
Scorpion, yellow (F5 self selected) - 3
Aji Lemon Drop (Tradewinds Fruit) - 2
Scotch Bonnet MoA (Trident Chilies, John) - 3

Numbers refer to target number of plants
for season 2017 grow. Annuums go into
Germination chambers in March.
Devv said:
Somehow I missed the leaf issues the other day, but I have been very distracted lately. My 2 cents if worth anything, is that it looks like wet leaves burned under the lights. The new growth looks great, so I'm thinking they will be fine. I sure hope so! And I understand your worries after what you went through last season. Setting them aside is a good choice. I found a plant with the dreaded Aphids on it this afternoon. I would love to know how they get into an inside grow? And always on an Annuum. I isolated and hit it with Neem oil spray, and will be on the prowl.
Aphids?  That sucks - great you got the jump
on them early.  Good eye, Scott!
I like to use insecticidal soap, followed up by
Neem a couple of days later.  I use the Safer 
brand soap - very effective in my greenhouse.
I cut the damaged leaves off the Scorpions and
put them back on the shelf.  The new growth still
looks good.
PaulG said:
Aphids?  That sucks - great you got the jump
on them early.  Good eye, Scott!
I like to use insecticidal soap, followed up by
Neem a couple of days later.  I use the Safer 
brand soap - very effective in my greenhouse.
I cut the damaged leaves off the Scorpions and
put them back on the shelf.  The new growth still
looks good.

That's great news!
Keep it green buddy!
Back on 25 Jan, two late emerging hooks appeared
in the F5 PDN x BMJ.  I figured I'd just let them grow
for awhile:
You can see them to the right rear here on 2 Feb:

Shortly after the photo above, I cut the two small seedlings
and put them in little vials of water.  I was so bummed by the
F5 poor germination rate, I was desperate; any port in a storm,
so to speak.  I have been keeping the little vials full and checking
every couple of days to see if they were still alive.  As of last night,
This afternoon, literally overnight- I couldn't believe
it. I really thought it was a long shot:

Whoo-hoo! Now a shot at having 4 F5 crosses!
Wow, Fantastic on the mini clones Paul, wonderful results for you.  :dance:
I thought I was already following your thread...was wondering why I hadn't noticed an update.
Looking great for you...going to be a heck of a season it looks like..congrats on all the success.  ;)
Looking great Paul. Some amazing plants. Great growth rate.

The other day, I was thinking about your problem in the past with Blight. I was wondering if it can live in nutrients we by. Don't know it's needs for staying alive. I always think about soil being a host for disease. Never thought about nutes.

Well everything looks fantastic.

Keep it up.

stettoman said:
You can really put 'em in a glass of water?
I guess so, Eric... These were very young cuttings,
just working on second set of true leaves.  Cut off
at ground level. Next step is to get them in growing
medium w/o damaging the roots.
OCD Chilehead said:
Looking great Paul. Some amazing plants. Great growth rate.

The other day, I was thinking about your problem in the past with Blight. I was wondering if it can live in nutrients we by. Don't know it's needs for staying alive. I always think about soil being a host for disease. Never thought about nutes.

Well everything looks fantastic.

Keep it up.

The BLS bacteria only live on the pepper plant.
They can live in bits of pepper foliage, etc, in the
soil but don't actually live in the soil itself, so far
as I understand.  The plants all seem to be in good
health at the moment, knock on wood!
Looks like you have a good grow going, Charles!
Those flats of starts are loaded - looks like a pretty
good germination rate.