• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

PaulG 2019

No grow log for the 2018 season other than the Pimenta de Neyde x Bonda Ma Jacques
thread dedicated to Trippa's cross. That one is an ongoing community project going into
second year and a test of the F7 generation. I imagine I will mention it once-in-a-while in
this thread, but the details of its progress will be in the dedicated thread.
I am deciding on a grow list for the 2019 season after growing only Trippa's cross this
season (2018). I definitely have some old favorites that will comprise the great majority
of the grow. I have limited space, so I'm counting on nature to help me make the final
decision. I'll probably start lots of seeds since I'm gun-shy from the poor germination
rates the past couple of seasons.
Here's the pool. Would be nice to be able to grow a bunch of all of them!  I think my
neighbor will shelter the overflow in his yard, but we'll see what to plant and how many
based on what might germinate  :rofl:
c. chinese - 10 varieties
  • PdN x BMJ, F7, white and violet varieties, Trippa's cross
  • Fatali, F2 of seed from Pepper Joe's
  • 7 Pot Burgundy, brown phenotype, pecan shape from 2017 F2 of the 7PB from Windchicken 
  • Scotch Bonnet, MoA, F2 of seeds from John/Sim, not high production, but some nice pods
  • JA Red Habanero, F5 of seed from Walk Good/Devv
  • Yellow Scorpion, F7 aka Yellow Trinidad Moruga Scorpion and CARDI Scorpion, from Spankycolts plant 2012
  • Bhut Jolokia, Red, F4, from Spankycolts plant 2012
  • Bhut Jolokia, Chocolate, F3 of seed from Georgia Growhead
  • Bhut Jolokia, hybrid, F2 - I believe it is a  (BJred) x (Pdn x BMJ F1 or F2)
  • Yellow 7 Pot, F2 of seed from Trippa 2013
c. annuum - 4 varieties:
  • JA Red Mushroom, F3, brown phenotype, seed from Refining Fire
  • Pimenta de Padron - Spanish seed, fry up while small and green, throw on some salt
  • Pimenta del Piquillo - Spanish seed, sweet, very flavorful, small stuffers
  • Guindilla - Spanish seed, spicy heat, great pickled, long and skinny
c. frutescens - 2 varieties:
  • Nagahari from Tezpur, India, supposedly very, very hot freebie from Pepper Joe's 2017
  • Chili Costa Rica, F2 (2014) from Hippy Seed Company seed, 2012
c. pubescens - 1 variety:
  • Red Rocoto, F3 of Peruvian Market seed, 2016
That about does it. Seeding time will be here before we know it!
PaulG said:
They are just sheets of Mylar cut into strips so they
are flexible to wrap around the dome. Mine came
free with my AeroGarden on sale. Havent read
the reviews, but I find them very effective in
preventing the plants from leaning into the
center of the unit.
I like the look of them better than a big crinkly sheet. Almost decorative.
CDNmatt said:
"Hook Hook show us the Hook"
They grow too fast, Matt, all I have are pics of seedlings  ;)
stc3248 said:
Great to see things progressing at light speed over here...last time I stopped by you were on page 3 or 4??? Lol...how the tides have turned!
Just trying to get as far ahead as I can before your
grow comes roaring back to annihilate us all   :flamethrower:
Uncle_Eccoli said:
I like the look of them better than a big crinkly sheet. Almost decorative.
I agree. They actually make a pretty good light box,
and hold the heat in well, too. They are way too expensive
for what they are. I wouldn't pay for them, but as a freebie
they are great  :rofl:
So far, a hook a day for the first five days of the new year,
then today, four more. Here's where we're at at present:
PaulG said:
So far, a hook a day for the first five days of the new year,
then today, four more. Here's where we're at at present:

Sweet!  The momentum is picking up!  It's always a nice present to have a handful of hooks waiting for you when you check in.
A hook a day for the first 5 days of the new year,
then four more today. Here is where we are at the
present moment:





Both seeds sprouted in all but one of the rockwool cubes so far.
I like that they are easy to handle and move around, and you
can write on the wrapper.
Going to try a little germination experiment. The domes are
clear beverage cups with 4 holes punched in the rim, and a
little air hole cut at the top. Rockwool cubes soaked and
placed on a cardboard sheet on top of the T5HO fixture in
the grow shelf. 


Here is a pic of the garage. At present, F7, F5, Aji Amarillos
on table at right. All seedlings on grow shelf:
Ha! The hook for the day - JA Red Habanero.
I can see more hooks stirring in the some of
the other rock wool holes.

This Red Rocoto has forked / bifurcated at the
Fourth set of leaves. It should be a bushyplant:

The other Rocoto was starting to shoot up with no
forking, so I topped it at the third set of leaves:
Hey, guys, Hook of the Day - sounds like the latest meme!
I would let the rockwool get full of roots before you plant the whole thing in the soil etc. Last year i found out in a hard way that the rockwool tend to dry out fast killing the roots before they have time to grow big enough. This year i will just let them get full of roots before they go to the coco coir, it is easy enough to feed the rockwool with complete fertilizer until the time comes.

I am currently feeding my rockwool seedlings with 5/5ml Bcuzz mixture, no problems so far.
Thanks for the heads up, Janne .  I haven't noticed
any problems yet, but will keep an even closer eye
on them. I mist them a few times a day for the first
few days in the cups.
All in all, I really like the rock wool cubes. Very easy
to handle from beginning to end.
Chilidude said:
I would let the rockwool get full of roots before you plant the whole thing in the soil etc. Last year i found out in a hard way that the rockwool tend to dry out fast killing the roots before they have time to grow big enough. This year i will just let them get full of roots before they go to the coco coir, it is easy enough to feed the rockwool with complete fertilizer until the time comes.

I am currently feeding my rockwool seedlings with 5/5ml Bcuzz mixture, no problems so far.
Your comments reminded me of this article I read not long ago about root development / air pruning in rockwool. Figured I'd share.
PaulG said:
All in all, I really like the rock wool cubes. Very easy
to handle from beginning to end.
Glad this is going well Paul!  My biggest challenge experimenting with rockwool starters was keeping a proper moisture content once the plants had sprouted and needed to be under light.
Trippa said:
What should I chime in too Paul? I am not frequenting this forum very much!
We're always here when you able, my friend!
Hope all is well with you and your chili plants!
Sent from my EML-L09 using Tapatalk
these were related to the PdN x BMJ thread. I'll 
go back and see what was on this thread...
Hey, Tristen, we had a discussion a while back
about the meaning of F1, f2, etc. The conversation
started here with a question about the origin of the
F1 pod. If you have a minute, brother   :cool: Thanks
Oh, and a couple of discussion about names, just
for fun. I think you should name it whatever you want
to, Tristen; I think it is stable enough unless we get
some kind of bizarre pods-with-horns mutants in
the 7th generation!
Trippa said:
What should I chime in too Paul? I am not frequenting this forum very much!

Sent from my EML-L09 using Tapatalk
About the origin of the name of the SB TFM
you sent to me a few seasons ago. You'd think
I'd remember that! In reference to a conversation
in MarcV's grow log thread.
Some new hooks, and just for the record,
some new starts    :crazy:


Scotch Bonnet, MoA:

JA Red Habanero:

Started some back-up seeds today to replace
the ones that are not germinating. I will let them
go as long as the new round is on the heating pad:


Back on Dec. 29th, I put two small Aji Amarillo cuttings in
vials of water. Here they are, ten days later:


That even surprised me a little. Yesterday no roots. Today, roots
By way of records-keeping, the back-up list.
Some which may not germinate, either  :rofl:
  • 'NagaHari', Tezpur, India  c. chin/c. fru.......................................Pepper Joe's free pkt. 2017
  • Chili Costa Rica 2015, c. frutescens 2nd gen............................THSC 2012   
  • SBJ7 2017, ​c. chinense 2nd gen...............................................Ramon (WalkGood)
  • Peach Ghost Scorp  2017, ​c. chinense 2nd gen.......................Grown by my neighbor, my seed,
  •                                                                                                    can't remember source. GaGrowhead?
  • BJ Hybrid 2016, ​c. chinense 2nd gen........................................Red BJ x (PdN x BMJ, likely F1 or F2) 
  • Chiltepin 2014, c. annuum 2nd gen...........................................source commercial in 2012 but lost in
  •                                                                                                    mist of time. Pods should be round. if
  •                                                                                                    oval, it's a Chilipiquin
  • SB TFM 2015, c. chinense 3rd gen...........................................Trippa, 2014?
  • SB Schneider Farms 2016, c. chinense.....................................Trident Chilis, thanks again, John
  • SB Beth Boyd 2016, c. chinense...............................................      "       "
PaulG said:
About the origin of the name of the SB TFM
you sent to me a few seasons ago. You'd think
I'd remember that! In reference to a conversation
in MarcV's grow log thread.
I believe that particular scotch bonnet strain was named TFM in relation to the "Trenton Farmers Market" , in New Jersey where the original pods were sourced. At least 10years ago when I was really ramping up my chilli obsession that was the common story.

Then they were I think distributed by Beth at peppermania?

I see sometimes nowadays it is used to describe "True form" yellow scotch bonnets?

But I believe the top story is more accurate.

Sent from my EML-L09 using Tapatalk
Sorry, Trippa, I was under the impression you found one in 
a market in OZ and grew it out. I apologize for the confusion.
Were they sold as TFM in the market where you bought them?
I know it's in the dim past  :rofl:
PaulG said:
Back on Dec. 29th, I put two small Aji Amarillo cuttings in
vials of water. Here they are, ten days later:

That even surprised me a little. Yesterday no roots. Today, roots
Awesome! I'd read that peppers can take a long time to root as cuttings, but that may have been specific to a variety and my brilliant mind decided to just generalize it, because that's always smart. Stoked to see your cuttings going well!
...and now I realize I could've probably gotten at least one viable cutting when I topped my lemon drops last night... damnit, fish.