Thanks for the info, Prod! And for the good vibe!Pr0digal_son said:One hell of a glog,Paul! I was scanning the section that interests me the most,the wilds. One thing I happened to notice in your descriptions was that the the USDA version of C.cardenasii was one of the larger wilds berries you experienced. This could be the result of a cross with C.pubescens. That species should have pretty small berries. Relatively smaller than a tepin and smaller than most if not all of it's close relative C.eximium.
Be well,amigo!
Wow, you are a glutton for punishment, Andrew!Cayennemist said:I just went through here, answered a few question about the seeds you sent. I'm excited, looks like 2021 is going to be a fun season.
Yaki Blue Fawn iso 2018 - C-Ddog:
A really beautiful dark purple plant with gorgeous pods.
Yes it does Jesse, Check out the last page or three ofGor
GGGorGGGeous with capital Gs!
Does it turn red when ripe?