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Paying homage...

A couple of days ago I received an unusual package from Fort Worth, Texas. I had been expecting seeds but this package was much larger than necessity called for. I tore it open like a kid on Christmas and before my eyes sat an assortment of chilies. I began to name each one and then came to the 7 pod. I had not expected to come face to face with the creature for quite some time(next season). But there it stood...growling at me. I dared not eat it right away. (But yesterday evening I decided it was time. I did not eat the entire chili but I did follow the rules established by Neil in his chili tests. Instead of a whole 7 pod I cut off a piece a little larger than a quarter.) Summoning up all my courage I took a quick pick and shoved it into my mouth. "Hmm, no initial burn...everyone was right about that."
"Hmm, they were also right about it tasting a little bit like an oran..."
At this point the heat set in and began to climb. Before I knew it, my throat was on fire. "Feels like a hot coal," "feels like lava." Both of these descriptions certainly described what I was going through. By this point I was pacing back and forth in my kitchen wondering if it would get worse. It did. By the time 5 minutes had past it had felt like an hour. Up to this point my tongue had been left out of the torture. Then the burning pain began to jump back and forth from my throat to my tongue. It felt as if the pain would never leave but then all of a sudden I sort of felt light headed. All was calm and I could finally sit back, take a deep breath, and reflect on the events that had just unfolded. During this reflection I realized how impressed I am with you guys out there who take on the challenge of a whole superhot. The experience was exactly that, something that needed to be experienced to be understood.
The only complaint I have is the hours of discomfort felt in my stomach and lower chest. Not pain but enough discomfort to know it was there.
Here are a few pics...
http://s520.photobucket.com/albums/w328/josh9404/7 Pod Trial/
I look much more composed then I actually was.
I would also like to thank AJ for the kind and generous donation.
I am yet to experience the full force of a fresh 7 pot but i did get to try some 7 pot powder yesterday morning thanks to my good friend Novacastrian.....and that was pretty intense so i'm looking forward to a fresh pod....
moyboy said:
I am yet to experience the full force of a fresh 7 pot but i did get to try some 7 pot powder yesterday morning thanks to my good friend Novacastrian.....and that was pretty intense so i'm looking forward to a fresh pod....

Courtesy of Nova, courtesy of Prariechillihead :hell: I too have yet to try a fresh 7-pot, if the flavour of the powder is anything to go by i will be a 7-pot addict! The powder didn't seem to hurt my belly like a dried Bih did, maybe fresh will be different.

Congrats Josh, not all chilli heads would dare do what you did!
Welcome to painful reality of the 7pot..Scorpion next you will love it until it bites,Once bitten twice shy to have agin..Well only bit-size chunks :hell::)
Congrats - you did it! I didn't dare to eat a 7Pot yet and reports like yours are not exactly encouraging! :)
Today I also received a little treasure in my mail! It contained a bottle of Lemon drop sauce and a set of pods of a handful of varieties including a Bhut Jolokia and a 7 Pot... Thanx a lot Chiliac!

Chiliac said:
Congrats - you did it! I didn't dare to eat a 7Pot yet and reports like yours are not exactly encouraging! :)

Haha... I'm about as "encouraged" as you are! ;)

And a few hours later some local chili heads here brought two pods of PC-1... I didn't have any experience with anything stronger than habaneros. And now on Halloween I get the broadside! I don't need no werewolves or ghosts or zombies tonight! I'm already scared!:)
from what I have read, the PC1s are no match for the superhots...only about 80-100K on the scoville...
AlabamaJack said:
from what I have read, the PC1s are no match for the superhots...only about 80-100K on the scoville...

Yeah. Googled around. Found the same info.

Well, the other two are scary enough though...
Now that you've felt the pain will you go back for more?

Honestly it is hard to say at this point. The only thing I disliked about it was the stomach discomfort that followed. I guess I could just chew it for 10 seconds and spit it out. This would probably eliminate that problem. Either way I can't wait to grow these next season. They are going to make some intense powder.
talas said:
Welcome to painful reality of the 7pot..Scorpion next you will love it until it bites,Once bitten twice shy to have agin..Well only bit-size chunks :):)
Yea when I try the scorpion I will probably take a smaller piece. When I did the 7 pod I wanted the full affect so I figured I would take a good sized piece. I sure didn't need a piece as big as the one I took, but I guess you burn and learn.
Chiliac said:
Congrats - you did it! I didn't dare to eat a 7Pot yet and reports like yours are not exactly encouraging! :)

hahah yea and I didn't even eat the whole chili. Just one piece a little larger than a quarter. I can't imagine what quad, neil, jayt, and the others went through when they ate whole pods of the superhots. My hat off to them...

Good luck trying it when you do.
Congrats Josh, that's a very big step you took.

Now I know you can condition your mouth/throat to accept hotter and hotter things but I've never heard anybody talk about conditioning the guts and the er um "exit" area. Is that possible too?
Chiliac said:
Congrats - you did it! I didn't dare to eat a 7Pot yet and reports like yours are not exactly encouraging! :)

Have a go, the taste is great my favorite of the superhots :mouthonfire:
patrick said:
Now I know you can condition your mouth/throat to accept hotter and hotter things but I've never heard anybody talk about conditioning the guts and the er um "exit" area. Is that possible too?

No clue...
I don't think so. As we all know this area is very sensitive and I have a hard time believing that it can actually get used to the heat. It may bother you less than before after a while, but that's it I guess...
thats true my friend..I thought i was getting used to the heat and this morning i had some jalpeno and welsh rarbit(cheese/egg/milk)on toast and one of the jalas had me gasping so no where your coming from..Grower beware :onfire: