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hobbies PC Gamers?

I've kinda lost interest in the MMOs myself since i've had a couple kids, just don't have the time to put into them. Should be a great game though. I'm currently playing Torchlight, good game.
PS3 here Skyrims is my addiction ATM along with Zombies(BO), a few years back I built up a character on Runescape to 133 then walked away.
i just finished up skyrim, well not the main story line, but then again i never finsh the main story line of games like that except fallout, one of the best things i have ever played IMO
i just finished up skyrim, well not the main story line, but then again i never finsh the main story line of games like that except fallout, one of the best things i have ever played IMO
I'm LvL 56 atm got to the end but decided to do all the side stuff, that was 20 levels ago they never seem to end..
I thought Oblivion was much better than skyrim

huh, i thought the exact opposite although the side stuff was good in Oblivion but i think Skyrim was better. I pretty much just do all the side stuff, the main story lines don't really grab me like all the side stuff.
Yeah problem is you get used to one game then expect the next to be a better version of the last, sorta like the Resident Evil series.
I used to play ET enemy territories online back in the early 00's then after that i moved on to Team FOrtress 2 also mean while L4D and l4D2 fun games, valve know's what's up :D. so mostly FPS noMMOs.and i like cod online but i don't play that Anymore, too addicting.
Wheres crysis love at! Torrent that shit yo. Hella addicting. I dont pc game but i will play crysis on me comp :)

I wish diablo3 turned out to be better. Would have been an amazing game
I can run anything on this box at max res with no frame rate issues--but mmorpg's take too much time investment.

Currently awaiting Borderlands 2.

Pre-ordered and paid for.
The wife and I have done all the SOE games (mainly due to getting multiple addictions for the cost of one station-pass sub... not that we stopped with just one though...).

EQ, EQ2, SW:G (RIP), Vanguard, DCUO, Planetside (and PS2)... Plus LOTRO... used to also GW, WOW and DAOC as well...

Have gamed with a lot of the same folks since 1999... seen their kids grow up in the games too...

Have also played a number of single player games... started with the old Infocom interactive-text games... miss them... lol
EQ, EQ2, WOW, D1,D2,D3, LOTRO, WAR, i guess I've played most of them. I was thinking of trying out GW2. Let us know how it is after a week or so for continued playability.