It might be this plant has always been smaller than the others now it is putting out these funky leaves .ThePepperTrent said:I have no idea, I too have seen this on my plants before but never asked what it is. I am curious as well. You think it could be some sort of mutation?
I don't have grow lights & the others are fine other than the funkiness & it being smaller than her brothers it seems fine I do everything else the same just strange maybe this just happens sometime or maybe its a mutationNuclieye said:Possibly too intense of light? Have seen it before and currently here but it's never a real problem.
I am not yet but may be some ocean forrest in there can't remember if there is but that might be itKrakenPeppers said:Is that brown powder look on the leaves the left over from a nutes water or actually in the leaves themselves.. If your giving them nutes already its probably a overdose..
Yes i just watered before I took the pic environmental may be it because leaves were like the other four before moved to plant room 2 it being smaller than her brothers might have caused more stress for her than them.CAPCOM said:Soil looks awful dark, did you just water them?
I have grown bhuts in the past that have exhibited a significantly different shape of leaf then most other pepper plants, these however are radically different from those.
I am leaning toward environmental causes.
Thanks Don I am thinking she will grow out of it yes she is a runt.WichitaChief said:I'll echo what KP said. Both of my peach strains, Jays scorpion and the bhuts are always a struggle to have normal looking plants. I see other people on here who have plants that look like "normal" plants. Mine are usually paler or yellower, dropping lower leaves and just in general looking odd. Mind you they get the same soil, light and water as all my other "normal" looking plants. I barely fertilize so excess nutes ate not an issue with mine. Maybe not enough but not too much. I have found they really seem to grow the roots and don't tolerate being root bound. I usually plant up once my plants have a set or two of real leaves. Most of my plants are developing good roots at that point and not close to being congested down at the bottom of the cell. Now I start checking the peach plants earlier because even though they may not be big up top their roots are going crazy. Maybe they are real sensitive to their roots. But once in the ground they seem to get happy and grow fine. Long windedly that being said I've not had any with leaves looking like yours. With the focus issue it's hard for me to see the blotchy brown/light areas on the bigger leaves. But the twisty crinkley leaves I would think possibly it's a genetics thing. You said she has always been smaller (kinda like a runt). I do have some plants (of any variety) that have similar screwy looking leaves when they are first getting their adult leaves but they seem to grow out of it too. These are quite often the slower germinating, slower growing plants out of a batch of seeds. I use Ocean Forrest too with good results so you should be fine there.
spray with some triple x neem  , little in the soil , get it some really good grow light or some sun it'll grow , i had that happen with one of my peach s.s. Bhuts . had to top it take all the leaves off but a couple on the bottom , and now it its bushing out great . but now its getting sun in the green house . good luck !Plantguy76 said:
Thanks Frank I need all the good vibes I can get !moruga welder said:spray with some triple x neem  , little in the soil , get it some really good grow light or some sun it'll grow , i had that happen with one of my peach s.s. Bhuts . had to top it take all the leaves off but a couple on the bottom , and now it its bushing out great . but now its getting sun in the green house . good luck !
n.p. my friend , it'll snap out of it . don't over water it . keep fresh flow of air on it . Â Â ÂPlantguy76 said:Thanks Frank I need all the good vibes I can get !
I was thinking of removing those leaves as the bottom ones are fine it needs something to make it perk up that just might do it .
Thanks everyone for all the good advice
I think Capcom & Moruga Welder has it right first its environmental because she was fine before being moved into plant room 2 Frank (Moruga Welder ) had a similar thing happen to one of his peach bhut SS So I took his advice & topped it.WichitaChief said:Before hitting plant with any bug killer I'd make sure it had bugs first. Too often we throw stuff at plants when they don't really need it. Although neem is fairy mild I just don't like possibly adding another stress to a plant if it doesn't need it. IF it has mites or aphids THEN treat it. I'm not a big fan of treating a non existent problem.