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Peach Quince Habanero Sauce

Ok, so we pickled some Orange Habaneros last year in apple cider vinegar. My wife also canned some Peach-Quince preserves. Well, we had three Orange Habaneros left in this jar we've been eating from and she got the idea to run them, the vinegar, and the Peach Quince Preserves through the blender. Ohhhh....it made a delicious sauce!!!! Wow, who knew quinces marry well with habaneros? :dance:
Yes, it would be a chutney actually. A quince is kind of a hard fruit to describe. They have to be cooked to use, but they're kind of like if a pear is a jalapeno, a quince is a Bhut Jolokia. They're very strong in flavor. Most plain-wrap supermarkets don't carry them. A lot of speciality grocers or natural food stores carry them. You can smell quinces very easily---they have a strong, perfume-like scent.

Hmmm...what would go well with this sauce? Seafood, hands down.
I was thinking it would be good with pork, like pork chops, pork loin, or even pulled pork (but not smoked, roast pork like pernil).