Peach Trinidad Scorpion & Fatalii

My seedlings population has just increased after some Peach Trinidad Scorpions and Fataliis have germinated. I am not looking to get much from them this year, given that they are still very, very young at this stage in the season. But I am just excited that I have them in my collection.
Who else is growing them? What are your experiences with them? Woud love to know.
Wow that yellow was killen it. My white fatali's are kicking all my other plants butt in growth. If you see weird shape leaves like this in your fatali's dont worry it seems to be a normal thing. Cant wait for pods.

Oh but the holes in the leaves are not normal. Had a really heavy rain that tore them up a bit.
I grow the Jay's peach and love them. Read my response to the peach bhut question another grower recently posted and ditto for the Jay's.