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Peacock Sauce: Honey Peach Plum Cinnamon Habanero

I just made a new batch of sauce.

In the crockpot I added:
18 orange habaneros (small ones) with most of the seeds removed
1 can of peaches in 100% juice (not syrup).
3 fresh plums
1/4 cup of honey
1 cinnamon stick
1 yellow bell pepper
1/2 red onion
1/2 Vidalia onion
1 can of sliced carrots
1 tblsp salt
1 tblsp black pepper
3/4 cup brown sugar
2 limes' juice
1/2 cup white vinegar

Cooked it in the crock on high for 6 hours, then blended the cooked mixture (after taking out the cinnamon stick), then boiled and bottled.

It tastes really sweet followed by really spicy. The sweetness isn't overpowering, but it is noticeably fruity. The heat is pretty intense (6/10) but doesn't last more than a couple of seconds after swallowing. That said, the heat does build up to a solid 8/10 after several bites. It's not a sauce for every dish, but I think it will make a great marinade for chicken, pork and as a glaze on fish.
In a bottle:

As a marinade on chicken breasts (I can't wait to grill these tonight):

I even made a little label so it looks pretty sitting in my fridge (because I'm a dork):
The chicken turned out great. Most of the sweetness and the heat cooked off while the chicken was on the grill, leaving the chicken with a delicate sweetness and a quickly dissipating burst of 4/10 heat.


Overall, a successful effort. :)