• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Penny's Glog....sort of :)

Hey everyone,
I've been posting away in other people's Glogs, and I thought it was time to show off my gardens, so its not really so much of a Glog as it is pics....if this is in the wrong spot, please feel free to move it to the appropriate spot Mods...



WOW! That's a lot of snow Penny! :)
We don't get snow here,we only get it on the mountain where we live,it takes 4 hours to climb it,so its pretty big,it gets cold,but no snow :P
Can't wait to see your list!
All right, Penny, your 2013 2014 (cryin' out loud, another senior moment.  
I need to do more drugs!) season is just about underway   :woohoo:
Good luck getting those peppers and tomatoes going!
Ok pepper guru's....question for you all. :dance: .....I see that in some Glogs and other posts, people soak their seeds before planting, I've never done that ever myself, but are there certain seeds that should be soaked to help germination? If so, which ones? ;)
I didn't get a darn thing done yesterday, I ended up with my 2 1/2 month old grandson for the day, Natalie was sick with a nasty flu, Dan (son in law) was at work, and Brad had to go into our shop to do some work, so my seed planting was put on hold, so that's why I thought I would post this question before I start. :dance:
Like I said, in the past I have never ever soaked a seed, and I've had pretty good success, but wasn't sure if there are some that should be. ;) .....thanks everyone.
Penny said:
Ok pepper guru's....question for you all. :dance: .....I see that in some Glogs and other posts, people soak their seeds before planting, I've never done that ever myself, but are there certain seeds that should be soaked to help germination? If so, which ones? ;)
I didn't get a darn thing done yesterday, I ended up with my 2 1/2 month old grandson for the day, Natalie was sick with a nasty flu, Dan (son in law) was at work, and Brad had to go into our shop to do some work, so my seed planting was put on hold, so that's why I thought I would post this question before I start. :dance:
Like I said, in the past I have never ever soaked a seed, and I've had pretty good success, but wasn't sure if there are some that should be. ;) .....thanks everyone.
I've never soaked a seed before, but once they go in the soil, rapid rooter, rockwool or any other way you want to germinate them, you can't let them dry out once they start or they will die.
Hi Penny - I soak my seeds 20-24 hours in distilled water just to soften
up the seed jacket.  Some of the seeds don't sink so I toss those and
use only the ones that do.  Takes a few hours for them to soak up enough
water to break the surface tension of the water.  I never used to soak my
seeds, but got in the habit when I joined the forum.  I think the germ rates
speak for themselves.  The most important thing I think, is a nice warm
medium to germinate in; and +1 Jeff H.
And thanks for the awesome seed packets!  Got here yesterday   :party: :

My honey is thrilled to have these wonderful heirloom and
international varieties.  I predict awesome salsa in our future!
I've never had luck germinating my own tomato seeds - is there
anything you do special to help them become viable?
I'm so glad they got there for you Paul, hopefully you and Mrs enjoy them. ;)  I've never soaked a tomato seed either, just make sure that they are under direct light, and keep the soil moist. I usually use Dixie cups, and plastic wrap over the lids with an elastic until they germinate, and its always worked for me. :dance:
Penny said:
I'm so glad they got there for you Paul, hopefully you and Mrs enjoy them. ;)  I've never soaked a tomato seed either, just make sure that they are under direct light, and keep the soil moist. I usually use Dixie cups, and plastic wrap over the lids with an elastic until they germinate, and its always worked for me. :dance:
Good tip. About how long do you wait to start tomatoes after you start your annuums? I am thinking something like chinenses, 2 weeks later annuums, 2 weeks later tomatoes.