• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Penny's Glog....sort of :)

Hey everyone,
I've been posting away in other people's Glogs, and I thought it was time to show off my gardens, so its not really so much of a Glog as it is pics....if this is in the wrong spot, please feel free to move it to the appropriate spot Mods...



Yeah, the snow tends to stick around at until early May some years, I find, up here in Canada..  Our baby peppers wouldn't take kindly to us throwing them out into a white-cold-death lol
This past summer, here in Nova Scotia, we had so much rain all through May and into early June that my garden space was just constantly flooded. After that experience, I think I've decided to go with tougher vegetables this time around. Think I'll focus on carrots, tomatoes, turnips, pumpkin & maybe potatoes and leave off the lettuce, peppers & turnip. :)
Hope you have a great season Penny :)
Your pages add up quick. Happy new year. Very nice looking house. We should get hit with some snow tonight. +1 on Paul and Rick. I soaked my manzano seeds and 0% germ. Some people use chamomile tea and others hydrogen peroxide. I used warm water ( tip from rocketman ) nice looking grow for the 2014 season. You might be able to plant out earlier if you use some row covers ( tip from Rick )
I learn something new hear everyday. :dance:
Hey, Penny: for peppers I soak in combo of 2 tablespoons hydrogen peroxide and <1 teaspoon potassium nitrate to a liter of purified water. Heat "the brew" as Greg/PIC1 calls it, a little, not hot, and soak seeds over night on heat mat on about 70 degrees. I get good germ rates; I do everything this way. And it has helped me with damp off and die off issues since H202 does clean seed, fungus issues, or whatever. Don't need much, just enough to cover seeds in a small cup. But if you're getting good results doing it your way, do it your way. Glad to see you have some up and running!! :party: (Love the snow and light shot!!)
I'm with Scarecrow, Rick in the NE has a pretty good method worked out for for getting the spring ground up to nightshade temps.
I may try it myself. Since I'm at a bit of elevation our ground is just barely good and warm by mid-May.
Good luck with your germ Penny! You've got some great varieties going. I'd have thought you started your tomatoes at least a month early, but I'm sure you know your local conditions better than I do... I suspect that with a shorter season you need to put them out bigger and more mature. Cheers!
I never soaked seeds before last year.  Then, some I soaked, some not.  Most all germinated.  I don't think I'll soak any pepper seeds this year, just plant, keep 'em warm and moist.  I'm toying with the idea of using Annie's H2O2/KNO3 for the first watering after planting the seeds.
+1 for Jeff's comment, don't let them dry out once planted.
I was up at the shop with Brad this morning, and quickly checked on my seeds, and I have a sprout....just didn't look at the cup to see if it was a tomato or a pepper!! :rofl:
I'll update tomorrow, since I'm starting more seeds. :dance:
Congrats on your sprout.  I haven't even started one pepper yet.  I need to get my MOA's going tomorrow or monday.  I'm only 
growing a few chinense varieties, the rest is just regular peppers, which will be started around 3rd week of February.
My last round of starting seeds I filled the tray of Jiffy Pellets with Hydrogen Peroxide and seaweed extract to expand them, diluted of course.
A lot of good info here, and can't wait to see the babies!
Penny said:
Currently -45 with the wind chill today....this kind of sums it up....
A couple pics taken yesterday while snow blowing....


Home today....so plan on working on my seeds.
Lol funny pic.
Nice snow pics,yea,I heard it was super cold there!

Goodluck with the cold :P
Any seeds yet? Its about 3 weeks or so, getting a little worried, if nothing shows I'll resend for you. :dance: