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pepper advice

I transplanted 2 outa 3 hab plants into pots I had growing in a neighbors yard (incase my garden didnt work) the leaves are wilting and they dont look good...im still new at this green thumb thing so any advice is good advice
to explain further I would have like to kept 2 habs and a jap over winter for next year while the rest are growing.. my living room window is sunshine non stop so to me it would have been the ideal thing
Canuk Pepperhead said:
I transplanted 2 outa 3 hab plants into pots I had growing in a neighbors yard (incase my garden didnt work) the leaves are wilting and they dont look good...im still new at this green thumb thing so any advice is good advice

How long ago did you transplant them? Transplant shock is not unusual for most plants, peppers and other, that are dug up and potted. You can't help but damage and disrupt some of the roots.

Giving them a little liquid kelp can help cushion the shock, and you might want to give them sunlight for only a few hours a day for several days, and mist the leaves if the humidity is low.
Keep it out of direct sun for a while and trim back what you can. The now smaller root sytem can likely no longer support the whole plant so it will die back unless trimmed. Its amazing how bad overwintered plants can look and still survive to produce nice peppers.
My peppers plants were wilting and pretty much dying off and I couldnt figure out why as they had grown in the same pots and type of soil last year. On a hunch I bought some Miracle Grow pellet fertilizer and dumped a cup on the roots of all of the plants and within a few days they were sprouting like crazy.
Necrocannibal said:
My peppers plants were wilting and pretty much dying off and I couldnt figure out why as they had grown in the same pots and type of soil last year. On a hunch I bought some Miracle Grow pellet fertilizer and dumped a cup on the roots of all of the plants and within a few days they were sprouting like crazy.

Glad that worked, that is probably a different problem though. Chemical fertilization can do wonders for peppers that have been in the same pot for a while, but is not recommended for newly transplanted plants. Odds are the new soil used has some fertilizer in it already.
cheezydemon said:
Glad that worked, that is probably a different problem though. Chemical fertilization can do wonders for peppers that have been in the same pot for a while, but is not recommended for newly transplanted plants. Odds are the new soil used has some fertilizer in it already.

It was a last ditch effort to save them as everything else had failed.
Well for my first attempt for transplanting garden plants to pots id like to thank everyone that gave me advice.....Ive never done any sucessful gardening before this and all the help ive gotten is from this forum and its users once again thank you...Its not a big thing but I see new growth on the 2 hab plants and im prouder than hell..cuz I did it...not a big deal to most but to me it is so thx Pam and POTAWIE and every one else thats here helping out..every other year I just kill everything lol