Pepper Branches Keep Breaking Off Help?

Okay this is my 3rd plant my branches brake up like nothing im even scared to even change em pots at times now idk why this is happening last year ididnt have this problem at all. Like when they brake like big branches come off making it look all bald :(
Help Anyone?
If they break from the main stem will more branches come out or thats it its done its gonna stay like that??
newpeppergrower1105 said:
that sucks those branches look massive  :tear:

Oh dude that's nothing 4 more branches came off big like that too.

& this happend already to my 3 other plants dat were huge too
& it almost makes wnana cry of anger cause the peppers still haven't riped yet & dey break off ughhh , this happend to my other reaper plant too.
Why don't you put stakes around the plants and wrap a string around the stakes to hold the branches up?
Seems like a no brainer solution even for big plants.
Would be a giant tomato cage type thing but you can reach between the strings to harvest or move the stakes farther apart as the plant bushes out.
Could also be critters, especially if they seem fine during the day then you find them broken off overnight. 
I stake any as they get big when I feel needed. Especially out front where the wind can come gusting through. I tie the big branches onto the stakes sometimes in multiple places because I want to and do grow 'em big. :D
Wow! I'd be upset of that happened to my plants too! Just out of curiosity I'm wondering what would happen if you used some rooting jell the next time one breaks off. Hopefully that's all of them tho. Sorry about your luck.
Sick625 said:
Oh dude that's nothing 4 more branches came off big like that too.

& this happend already to my 3 other plants dat were huge too
& it almost makes wnana cry of anger cause the peppers still haven't riped yet & dey break off ughhh , this happend to my other reaper plant too.
i know how you feel i once broke a off a branch nowhere near the size of your branches and i was very disappionted. try putting sticks it hurts me to see all those peppers go to waste 
I`d say some sort of critters, too. I`m currently having this problem with a single 7-pot primo and I think it`s stem-boring beetles. Not certain yet, but that`s my best guess so far. I have found a few small holes in the stems, but not seen any beetles yet. 
I tried to get the branches to root, but no go there.

Dear Mr Prehensile,
Have you thought about buildiing an Ark for your pepper plants? 2 of every variety, maybe?
That is just brutal. 
Too much nitrogen and fast lush growth can cause weakening of the nodes and petioles in capsicum species hence why staking is advised until they get some woodyness to them at least. How much fert are you giving them??
I had some branches breaking like that  found the small holes like Nigel describes split the stems and found a cream colored grubs just eating  their way through the center of the stems.  I found one in its pupae stag it turned into a beetle(dark grey/black) maybe
3 - 4 millimeters long. 
The pic is from last September after we got over 19 inches of rain in less than 3 days.
Trippa said:
Too much nitrogen and fast lush growth can cause weakening of the nodes and petioles in capsicum species hence why staking is advised until they get some woodyness to them at least. How much fert are you giving them??

I kinda noticed dat tooo...last year ididnt give em really no fertz at all besides a lil bit of miracle grow pellet fertx last year...this year every week id put fish ferts & like mircale grow mix every gallon of water..but I stoppd dat thinking its proly to much fertz
Threehundredc said:
you gotta be gentle!    id say plant em in the ground and leave em alone moving em and changing them around you bump stuff

Oh trust me iam gentle wit my plants.......
& icant do dat putting them in ground cuz there's gophers everywhere here eating up bushes & plants