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Pepper comparison

I am a hot pepper tyro. I have just gotten into using them in my food and would like to ask someone how dried compare to fresh i.e. taste heat and use. I cut or chop fresh in alot of my food but how does it work with dried? I don't have a big varity available to me here in Washington so I am using the likes of Jalapeno, Habenaro, serrano and cascabella. I am trying to locate others.
I think you lose a lot of the flavor in dried peppers. Sure, you can tell a hab taste from a cayenne taste in powders and dried peppers, but most of the subtlety is gone.

Btw, nice word use, I had to look tyro up.
Fresh peppers always have the best flavors to them. You loose a bit of heat and flavor when dried but they still are chauck full of pepper goodness!
I get a kick out of seeing people using words that some fool madeup YEARSAGO to use instead of other words, but yet they mean the same thing. the way I see it some idiots made up those words just so they could feel smart Ex. tyro,piebald & many other words in the english language. shit you might as well be speaking kilingon (sp?) its a madeup language which very few speak, I'm sure you'll feel really smart using madeup words that replace the already exsisting words we have.
chilehunter said:
I get a kick out of seeing people using words that some fool madeup YEARSAGO to use instead of other words, but yet they mean the same thing. the way I see it some idiots made up those words just so they could feel smart Ex. tyro,piebald & many other words in the english language. shit you might as well be speaking kilingon (sp?) its a madeup language which very few speak, I'm sure you'll feel really smart using madeup words that replace the already exsisting words we have.

As a crossword addict on a 6 a day habit - yes, we do feel smart, as most likely we are.
It's also very helpful to be able to say what you mean and understand what others are saying. Ignorance and misunderstanding are, after all the scourge of realization.
eremite said:
I am a hot pepper tyro. I have just gotten into using them in my food and would like to ask someone how dried compare to fresh i.e. taste heat and use. I cut or chop fresh in alot of my food but how does it work with dried? I don't have a big varity available to me here in Washington so I am using the likes of Jalapeno, Habenaro, serrano and cascabella. I am trying to locate others.

Go for the fresh pods every time eremite If you're unable to store them fresh make a sauce. For my 2 cents, powder is the last resort.
bentalphanerd said:
As a crossword addict on a 6 a day habit - yes, we do feel smart, as most likely we are.
It's also very helpful to be able to say what you mean and understand what others are saying. Ignorance and misunderstanding are, after all the scourge of realization.

I'm glad you feel smart, as for being smart ? I'll give credit those people are smart with words but knowing some fancy words just dont cut it in the real world you need other smarts also.
if you say a word which the definition means this other word then why didnt you say that word in the 1st place instead of a word that was madeup or to replace a certain word but means the same thing. I'm a common sense kind of guy I dont use senseless words.

its funny you say "It's also very helpful to be able to say what you mean and understand what others are saying." then whats the point of using words that were made to replace exsisting words ? which majority of the population doesnt even use those words because they're common sense kind of folks also & see no need in using exotic words vs the normal words, which more people would know the meaning of them & you'd still get the point across.
only difference is the person saying the words get their ego stroked by speaking replacement words.

come to my jobsite, your fancy words would do nothing for you, building houses/remodeling/ general construction theres other smarts & it doesnt consist of fancy madeup words :mouthonfire: crosswords are for enjoyment but it doesnt pay the bills!
Dethwind said:
ah, another member with a copious lexicon. Even his name is obscure lol. nice:cheers:

bravo Dethwind, bravo!

imaguitargod said:
Fresh peppers always have the best flavors to them. You loose a bit of heat and flavor when dried but they still are chauck full of pepper goodness!

yeah, what he said

chilehunter said:
I get a kick out of seeing people using words that some fool madeup YEARSAGO to use instead of other words, but yet they mean the same thing. the way I see it some idiots made up those words just so they could feel smart...

I think all words were made up by humans as there were none occuring naturally in nature. for those of you with a small vocabulary - ugg grunt ftoonz uggug

bentalphanerd said:
...Ignorance and misunderstanding are, after all the scourge of realization.

says who?

bentalphanerd said:
Go for the fresh pods every time eremite If you're unable to store them fresh make a sauce. For my 2 cents, powder is the last resort.

heretic! don't listen to him. fresh is good, powder is great, fresh is good, powder is great...

chilehunter said:
...if you say a word which the definition means this other word then why didnt you say that word in the 1st place instead of a word that was madeup or to replace a certain word but means the same thing. I'm a common sense kind of guy I dont use senseless words...

what the???

if there's any other opportunity I may have missed in this thread to disagree with someone, please pm so I can re-post. thanks.
bentalphanerd said:
As a crossword addict on a 6 a day habit - yes, we do feel smart, as most likely we are.
It's also very helpful to be able to say what you mean and understand what others are saying. Ignorance and misunderstanding are, after all the scourge of realization.

Bravo! Ignorance IS a scourge and the source of nearly every conflict.

It is also the main reason that people choose to criticise things which they have no real understanding of themselves....especially on semi-anonymous forums like this one.

....What was the question??
Fresh is great.

Dried flakes are great for finishing italian foods like pizza and pasta.

Powder, such as Paprika, Chile powder, Cayenne etc. are the primary goal of my yearly crop!!! 90% of my ripe pods go into the dehydrator and then the coffee grinder.

The difference of using ripe jalapeno powder and store bought cayenne in a rib rub is enough to turn you to the dried side of the force.

My newest obsession is preserving habaneros and piquins and punjabs in vinegar and spices, or the left over juices from olives or pickled peppers.
Good to see you again Canuck.

Good use in a sentence! Recondite seems a little harsh for eremite though, I understood him pretty well. (although I took tyro to be a dinosaur reference! LOL. As in "REX")

Oh....dear God..this isn't a welcome thread is it?!?!?!?!??....Oh good.
He'd never be back if this was how the psychos here welcome someone!

And again Bent Alpha Nerd, fresh is great, but it is so fleeting. My goal is to never buy paprika or cayenne again. Even if you just use those spices to make tacos 3 times a year.....they will be the best %#@^% tacos...
chilliman64 - what the ?? I know what I wrote might not completely make sense to some. so for a example, which theres many more on this website (& this thread) but since we're here we'll use the word TYRO well why not just use NOVICE or AMATEUR since the definitions mean the same. instead some people like to use words that for the majority of the population are not part of their basic vocabulary, just like speaking a different language than the normal language of that country or location.

then they think if you dont use big fancy words you're inferior. knowing & using fancy words isnt the only smarts out there, you may be smart with words & at what you do for your job but dumb as a rock when it comes to anything else thats not related to your job, even simple tasks.

again whats truely considered smart ? is your intelligence based on if you know fancy words or your line of work, or could a person be intelligent enough that knows how to do their job well enough to be making great money/investments/having some special skill be it sports or musical & still succeed in life & live well.
theres more smarts out there than just knowing some fancy words, theres people that are living better off compared to some of those so called smart people.

like Bent said "yes, we do feel smart, as most likely we are" so the basic interpretation of that is - We're smart because we use fancy words & you're a dumbass because you dont use & know the meaning of certain words.
I didnt know you felt that way about members here that are not up to par with your vocabulary. also I find it ironic that you'd say "It's also very helpful to be able to say what you mean and understand what others are saying" then whats the point of using words that the majority of the population dont even use or know the meaning of ? what you said contradicts itself. you might as well speak Swahili & show us how smart you really are :hell:

basically it comes down to stroking their ego. if you need to do this to make yourself feel better its kinda pathetic ;)
Hot Canuck said:
Hey Cheezy - hope things are well. By the way, my wife's from Scotland ( just really noticed your avatar...and why do they call it avatar, when they could call it symbol thingy...)

I was more expanding on Eremite's use of the English language. The more obscure the verbage, the more respect is received by the speaker.

He should come back. He has no reason to be timorous.

Thats easy for you to say

chilliman64 - I disagree on the grounds that I also refute the existence of time relevance as I may have said already and may well repeat previously in this same thread or any other.

cheezydemon - 'IS' ....dammit my grammer were never big, but bester than my prownun-C.A-shun.

Hot Canuck - your obscurity would precede you, but it couldn't be proved. ~ have you tried these? - http://crickler.com/

cheezydemon again - but if you had a choice year round between fresh & powder...no contest, right?

chiliehunter - I would use 'tyro' simply because it's less letters to type than 'newbie' & I'm a real lazy s.o.b. Truth be known 'tyro' is probably the earliest word and synonyms like 'beginner' are new and fancy ring-ins. Stick to the percussion tools mate, after all who wants to learn new things after their teens. "The basic interpretation is" the day you stop learning is the day they're nailing the lid on. Still the Swahili reference gave me a good belly laugh & I bet you know why :hell:.

I for one am enjoying our regular jousts chilehunter ;).

eremite - feel free to butt in anytime
My god...you are a nerd!!(all in good fun) I was not correcting your tense alpha, I was merely stressing "IS" in agreement with your statement.
As for quote 2. Hmmmm...I love fresh peppers to be sure, but rubbing ribs or a pork butt with fresh peppers would not yield the same results.
Powder takes on it's own characteristics which are neither inferior nor superior to fresh, just different. I often use both jalapeno powder and fresh jalapenos in the same dish.
Some dishes, ie.: ribs, chili, tacos, grilled chicken, grilled steaks, smoked food in general, etc. could NOT (again, emphasis not correction) be made with fresh peppers nearly so well as with powder.
bentalphanerd said:
Still the Swahili reference gave me a good belly laugh & I bet you know why :hell:.

And from another thread:

My eyelids sweat with a well made sauce - then again thats the only part of my body without hair on it.

*scrunches face up in thought* So...werewolves speak Swahili?
Only the more literate ones who do crossword puzzles.......no wait....

I mean: "Just them as do word thingies" Yeah, much shorter, more concise.

Oops. "Concise"......no good. That sounds made up.

I think the smurfs must have been geniuses in Chilehunters book.

SMURF YOU BUDDY! And then go smurf your self. And smurf me some dinner.(use smurfed chiles please I like them better than fresh!)Lol
I am still here and certainly enjoying all the banter, and I was able to gleen answers to some of my questions in between. As I said I am new to the pepper game and liking it. After using hot sauce for the last 12 to 15 years, and putting it in alot of different food like pancake syrup, salad dressing and even in a cup of tea, actually the only thing that seems really safe is my beer and bourbon (ah those boiler makers), I find I get to looking for a little more heat. I say a little more because I have only worked up to eating a De arbol (dried, I still haven't found any fresh). After reading Hot Talk I wonder how much I'm ready for, I feel like a pansyass. But I guess wanting more heat is a sign.