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Pepper Economy

My neighbour who I gave a few Hab plants to months ago came back from a week long fishing trip yesterday and repaid me with 5 kg of Barramundi fillets. Is that the best deal ever?
that is definitely the best deal ever! I wonder what he would send me if I posted him 2 Bhut seeds??? if fact, maybe we could write a modern day Jack and the Beanstalk but instead of beans we could use Bhut seed.

just in case anyone doesn't know, Barramundi is a beautiful tasting fish growing over 100cms native to Australia and several other countries. one of the best table fish you'll ever eat - though I do prefer our Coral Trout!
He caught 3 x 1 metre Barra's. Not bad when you consider they're $30/kg in the shop. Of course I pigged the lot in a day (tasmanian extra creamy butter, chopped fresh dill, shallots )... now planing to landscape his garden :D
sounds like you're working your way into a free fishing trip :D
& yes that sounds very cool of your neighbor for giving you some fish fillets.
chilehunter said:
sounds like you're working your way into a free fishing trip :(

Fishing trip Ha...If I do his yard I should get the boat ;)

chilliman64 said:
you ate 5kg of barra in one day?! :D tell me you at least had some barra sashimi with soy and wasabi...

It wasn't easy...I had to not eat anything but barra for 3 meals..was real tough ;) Mostly I just wanted to soak up that flavour although I did try out some of my new Siam sauce this morning.
Sorry to hear about your mild case of death, was going to send a package today, but i'll wait till next week. Hope you've got a good supply of medicinal whiskey.
thanks mate I'm well and truly on the mend, back to the coal face tomorrow :D

I've got heaps of sick days accrued so if I flare up later in the week I may be off again.
pepper economy is ready to Rock-n-Roll

I agree holeheartedly!!:D My peppers trade with friends and others for the most wonderful things . Some of the best are Barbq's Im invited too from trades I make just because their thankful for the gifts of Homegrown goodness my peppers provide my friends. One thing tho the WALLEYE IS THE BEST TASTING FRESHWATER FISH IN THE WORLD:cheers: Here's too ya ! cRAYZy in Santa Barbara
cRAYZy said:
I agree holeheartedly!!:( My peppers trade with friends and others for the most wonderful things . Some of the best are Barbq's Im invited too from trades I make just because their thankful for the gifts of Homegrown goodness my peppers provide my friends. One thing tho the WALLEYE IS THE BEST TASTING FRESHWATER FISH IN THE WORLD:cheers: Here's too ya ! cRAYZy in Santa Barbara

Good score on the bbq's cRAYZy A free feed is good reward for supplying the flavor.

You're obviously deluded about the walleye tho :D

what the???

I don't reckon either of them would be as satisfying as a barra!

how many of those tiddlers make up 5 kilos of fillets there bentalpha?

not only is barra heaps bigger, can live in both fresh and saltwater, is excellent tasting, an excellent fighting fish - it is also hermaphroditic adding to its overall appeal by having freak value as well!

my apologies to any hermaphrodites reading this who were offended by my last comment.
congrats on reaching 500 posts chilliman64

I suppose we have to allow for those who don't have Triassic creatures roaming about local rainforests. Here we'd call a walleye a fishstick.

Sorry crayzy - we been baggin your fish - i did choose that picture....how big do those things get & more importantly, do they fight?
thanks BAN!

yeah sorry to dis your favourite fish cRaZy, we're just messin' with ya! ;) though everything I quoted about the barra is true!
bent - I'm not doubting you that the barra is a great tasting fish & a fighter, I could just imagine the fillets ;)
but we in the usa do have some big fresh water fish & even in the great lakes. I'm not a fisherman so I dont know many names but salmon is big & tasty. also theres some tasty fish that come in small packages & walleyes are one of'em.
have you ever heard of the "muskie" ? its part of the "pike" family, the walleye is also a pike but much smaller.
muskies are only in the central part of north america, & these fishes ARE FIGHTERS! they're classified as predators! they'll eat ANYTHING they can birds/fishes/ducks/frogs/etc...even your small little puppy going for a swim ;)
granted not all will be monster sizes but they can weigh 60+ pounds also there was a muskie caught a couple years ago that needed 5-7 people to hold onto the muskie for a picture :mouthonfire: I cant find the picture online but I've seen it.

what 5 kilos = in lbs ?
2.2 lbs in a kilo, so 11 lbs. A great deal, barra isn't cheap to buy in the shops.

Salmon is a great fish, fairly different taste to barra though. I haven't seen walleye here in Aus.
I'm confused if the barra weighs about 5 kilos which is about 11 lbs then why the need for 2 people to hold it ? & if this is true then the muskie would be much bigger than the barra in weight

correction - I'm sorry 5 kilos of fillets, then what would this fish weight live ?
World record for Barra was 37.85 kilos (83 lb). The fish was 124 cms (49") long and 105 cms (41") around the girth.That was 6 years ago so don't know how accurate.
The three Barra's my neigbour caught were all around 1 metre long (39") so 11 lb off the side wasn't too big a deal for him.
Having made a glutton of myself on the stuff I think I still prefer flathead :lol:
good call on the muskies chilehunter. only thing I have seen fight harder than a muskie is maybe a marlin or something on the outdoor channels. pound for pound muskies definately have to be the fightenist fish in the world. and the whole eating ducks/dogs comment is true as well, friend of mine lost his german short hair on a fishing trip a few years back!