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Pepper growing year 2

What a difference between the Pro Mix and MG. The 3.5 cu. ft. bale of Pro-Mix was 1/3 the weight of one bag of MG. Very light and fluffy. I filled all 11 containers with one bale and had some left over to spare. It took 5 bags of MG to fill the other 11.

I think the little plants will be happy in their new homes. They were soaked in those little containers from all the rain we had last week. The bhut that was turning pale green had a big ball of roots at the bottom of the little container. Hopefully it will be happy in its new home now that it has room to grow. When I got done transplanting them I gave them a little mist mostly to wash off the leaves. I'm sure it didn't get the new Pro Mix too wet. Should I water them so the new soil is as wet as the soil from the little containers they were in? We are spposed to be in for more rain this week from tonight through Thursday with temps ranging from 65-80.

Thanks for the advice everyone.

I picked all the little peppers last night that had been growing on the plants and snipped off the larger buds and flowers that i could find too. The one Bhut looks a little pale still. I've been trying to let them dry out some but we keep getting rain here the last few days with more to come later in the week. I still need to get to the store and grab some epsom salts like AJ suggested. Maybe my Mother-in-law has some. I'll have to ask her tonight.
Okay I got the Epsom Salts now. How do I use it on the plants?

Now if I could only get some sun too. It's been overcast, foggy and rainy with thunderstorms for the last few days here.
AlabamaJack said:
give them all a dose of epsom salts and you will see them green up in a few days...you can scatter a little on the soil then water it in and/or give them a foliar feed using 1 Tbsp per gallon...

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