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Pepper growing year 2

Ok here goes since i seem to have misplaced the first post I made due to an Internet explorer error. I have finally started my second year of pepper growing this time with a few changes from last year. This year rather than going to my local big orange home superstore to buy my peppers. We decided to take a ride out to Cross Country Nurseries here in NJ. I was pleasantly suprised as to the selection of varieties of peppers they had. unfortunately on Mother's Day they were sold out of many of the varieties of peppers that I was looking for. We picked a few varieties that we thought would be interesting to try.

On Mother's day we picked up:

R. Naky
Cayenne Long Slim
New Mexico 64
Puerto Rican No Burn
Boldog Hungarian Spice
King of the North
PA 353 Red

I placed an order while I was there for some more of the hotter varieties and picked these up this past Sunday.

Trinidad Scorpion
Chocolate Habanero
Italian Hot
Early Jalapeno
Peach Habanero
Jamaican Hot Chocolate
Devils Tongue Red
Bhut Jolokia
Golden Bell Hybrid
Bannana Supreme
Relleno Italian Sweet
Italian Gourmet Hybrid

Ok so I may have gone a little overboard. :shocked: What can I say you guys got me hooked.

The ones I recieved on Mothers day I have transplanted to 1-2 gallon pots. Some are doing really well even with pods on such small plants. Some are doing okay with some new growth on them. I used Miracle Gro Soil that I had 7 bags left over from last years garden. (I didn't see the threads on MG till after I had transplanted them but it does not say Moisture control anywhere on the bag if that means anything.) The rest I hope to pot this weekend if I have the time. If not I will try to do them a couple each night. I need to get more soil for the other plants. So I am open to suggestion. There are alot of local nurseries in the area and even an Agway not too far away either. I was thinking of checking these places out to see what kind of soil they had.

My wife just found our camera this afternoon so hopefully I can get some pics taken for you guys to see what you think.
Nice list you have there. I can't wait to see the pics.
In terms of potting soil, Agway carries Pro-Mix BX. A lot of people on this forum use it. I haven't tried too many soils and this is my first season using Pro-Mix, but so far it beats MG. It is just a more consistent product and it doesn't get muddy like MG. It is $30 for a compressed bale. It is a bit expensive but it goes a long way. I should point out that Pro-Mix doesn't have fertilizer in it like MG so you have to add a fertilizer of your choice.
Actually promix is a soiless mixture and does have fertilizer in it but its not a lot and is well balanced and not overly high in nitrogen like miracle grow .

Hey Abulldog, if you have extra pa353 seeds at the end of the season, I'd love to do a trade. I really like that variety but I never did keep any viable seeds, and I'll never buy from Reimers again:(
...promix...does have fertilizer in it but its not a lot and is well balanced and not overly high in nitrogen like miracle grow .

Sorry about that. Potawie is right about the fertilizer. Pro-Mix BX does come with some macro and micro nutrients. As he pointed out, even though it does come with some it isn't much. As a result, many people use some type of fertilizer. I hope that helps. Good luck with your plants.
Actually promix is a soiless mixture and does have fertilizer in it but its not a lot and is well balanced and not overly high in nitrogen like miracle grow .

Hey Abulldog, if you have extra pa353 seeds at the end of the season, I'd love to do a trade. I really like that variety but I never did keep any viable seeds, and I'll never buy from Reimers again:(

Thanks for the info about the fertilizer. I bought both the granular fish bone meal fertilzer and the liquid fish/kelp mixture Fertell #3 that they had at CC Nurseries. Hopefully that will work well with the Promix.

I'll send you some seeds I have no problem with that. As long as I can figure out how to save them and send them without destroying them. Out of the first batch that I transplanted the PA353 look the best. They really seem to be liking their new home. I want to work on them tonight a little hopefully I can get some pix of them all.

R Naky


New Mexico 64


Cayenne Long Slim


Very nice selection of peppers! That PA 353 must be special if Potawie wants it. I thought he had everything. :) If you're using the MG soil, I wouldn't add any fertilizer to it until 2-3 months down the road, it already has plenty in it. Put your favorite plants, the ones you want to be the biggest, in the Pro-Mix.
Well I think that's all of them. I do have a question although. The Bhut Jolokia (2) seems to be turning pale green and not looking too healthy.


I plan on repotting it this weekend. We have been having some cooler rainy nights here about 55-60 degrees. One night it was a little cooler around 50. I was wondering it that may be the cause. The other Bhut looks dark green and healthy.

Also as you can see some of the plants have produced fruit and some of them are really starting to bud. Should I take the fruits and buds off or just leave them alone?

I'm sure I'll have more questions as time goes on. I am open to suggestions and ideas.

give them all a dose of epsom salts and you will see them green up in a few days...you can scatter a little on the soil then water it in and/or give them a foliar feed using 1 Tbsp per gallon...
I'd be pulling off bud/flowers/pods off the small plants, especially the large podded C. annuumms like the newmex 6-4. They won't grow to any decent size if they are supporting fruit so early. It looks to me like your plants need some nitrogen to green them up a bit

Here's what you can expect from the pa353-red

pa353-red 2005
That Bhut looks like it's drowning to me. Might want to let it dry out for a few days and give it some sun before you give it any nutes. It's still small, so go easy on anything you feed it.