I bought the seeds last December before I was a member on here and before I knew anything about Remier Seed company. They were sold as Naga Jolokia and I've been calling them that ever since. They took f o r e v e r to grow. I read something on here though about them selling mislabeled stuff. So now that the pods are turning ripe can anyone tell me exactly what I'm dealing with here? I hope I wasn't let down as I have all my co-workers grinding at the bit to try these.
My wife dropped off some of my ripe red savinas to keep them at bay while I'm gone (Iraq) and those put them in their place! I'm going to be seriously pissed if these aren't the real deal.
My wife dropped off some of my ripe red savinas to keep them at bay while I'm gone (Iraq) and those put them in their place! I'm going to be seriously pissed if these aren't the real deal.