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Pepper ID Help Please :)

Hi all! My pepper season this year was awful due to the record heat and drought this year in OK. It has finally cooled off and they are finally perking up and producing pods. I have no idea what this one is, nothing like any of the plants I purchased. I ate the first pepper last night. It had more heat to it than I expected! Of course nothing like super hot, but a good heat. I really enjoyed the taste of it and had a growing heat. It was also very thick skinned. I don't know how to describe the taste of it, maybe kind of like a bananna pepper but hotter? I have no idea lol. Any ideas?


It did have a slight jalapeno taste maybe, not near the normal jalapeno taste though. The shape of the pepper has always made me think jalapeno but the color is such a lighter, brighter green.
My jalamundos were light green, but I always leave them on the plant until they turn red and are fully ripe. Jalamundos are a little more mild than standard jalapenos too.

It did have a slight jalapeno taste maybe, not near the normal jalapeno taste though. The shape of the pepper has always made me think jalapeno but the color is such a lighter, brighter green.
Thanks guys! I'm really excited that I did get this chili instead of whatever it was supposed to be, lol. My husband will really enjoy it since he can't take much heat. I know they won't have much heat at all when I remove the 'guts' for him. I know I'll enjoy it just eating one with my meals. I must have been a whimp the other night when I ate the first one whole. Definitley not miserable but I was surprised it did have some kick when I was expecting none.