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Pepper ID Help

I have no idea what these peppers are. Any help would be appreciated. May you burn :hell: in advance for your help.

This is about a 6-7 on the heat scale with decent flavor. Plant is about 2.5ft tall.


Peppers are about 3.5-5" long.

This next plant is about 14" tall. The peppers are about a 5 on the heat scale.

Welcome to THe Hot Pepper Forum...

the first 4 pictures looks like a C. Annuum.
where did you get the seeds from ??
pls take the photo of the flower as well.

do you have whitefly problems ?? i can see something under 2 leaves in your second photo (spiral white dots)
Thanks for the welcome. I thought they were C. annuum. I was just trying to figure out what common name they were. I'll take some pics of the flowers when I get a chance. I actually won those seeds from pepperjoe.com and the package listed them as firecracker but it didn't look like firecracker peppers that I knew of. The second pics were listed as pepperjoe cayenne but they do not look like cayenne. The third set that I won from the website were labeled Bhut Jolokia, but turned out to be maybe at best a habanero/bhut cross. Very disappointing but I can't complain they were free...I still felt gypped though. For the past month I have been battling white flies!!!! They crept in out of nowhere and like a bad party guest they just don't know when to leave!