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Pepper Identification: Chile picante "Chili Red"

I didn't start seeds this year, instead I bought seedlings. One of the seedlings was labeled:


This pepper is delicious! It is sweeter than any bell pepper I've had, but still has a nice heat, a little milder than a jalapeno. I dried some yesterday, and the drying process concentrated the sweetness even more. The skin isn't shiny and smooth like a normal pepper, instead its a matte texture but not rough. Like smooth but not shiny, i guess leathery might be a good word.

I can't find any information about "chile picante" or "chili red". Any ideas?

There similar one sold in the u.k this season and was called hot chili..ye good isn't it and seems to originate from a large mexican grower other than that haven't a clue :clap:
Goodness from a big box, for goodness sake? Why not?

Y'all have me curious about the flavour. These might have blending potential, too . . . maybe to add complexity and throttle back the sting just a bit in say, a habanero sauce.
Goodness from a big box, for goodness sake? Why not?

Y'all have me curious about the flavour. These might have blending potential, too . . . maybe to add complexity and throttle back the sting just a bit in say, a habanero sauce.

Funny you say that- that's what I use New Mexico for - er Anaheim.

I find baking the Anaheim red's at low temp in the oven until near black ? brings a flavor hmmm - soooooo rich... Little heat - but soooooo rich.