Pepper Palace St. Augustine

Nicole and I will be at Pepper Palace in St. Augustine this coming Saturday and Sunday sampling out the Heartbreaking Dawns line of sauces. This saturday the 12th and 13th starting around 1pm each day. Come on out and introduce yourself!
Is this the place right on St George's street across from the old fort?

If so, I make a point to go there everytime I'm in St A! Love it! Will miss ya this time as I was just up there for Memorial day weekend.

BTW, try the apple butter hot sauce they have in there, its to die for! And be sure to ask the guys and gals working in there for something hotter if you want. They have a habit of keeping the hotter stuff in the fridge, but if you just ask for samples they will more than oblige.
Yes, the one on St. George St. It's a great shop. They were actually the first out of state stores to to carry our hot sauces so it's great to finally get back here and spend a couple of days getting to know some of the customers and sharing our products with them.