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Pepper People are the Best

Warrantman sent me over a package of his sauces, reaper salt, and merch. Thank you so very much!!!

I really dig your Law Enforcement themed labels, sauce names, and merchandise.

I'll be salt Baeing some steaks very soon with your Carolina Reaper salt!



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Just got done checking tracking numbers. I think everybody got theirs.

I hope you guys like it.

I checked the ph and it was at 3.7

I went ahead and added about a half cup of white wine vinegar, but didn't check the ph again. I had to waste quite a bit to check it cause my ph pen has been compromised by fish emulsion.

And sorry to anyone I didn't offer a bottle to. In the future there will be larger batches and hopefully more cash to ship these things out.

Oh and the artist's name that drew that for me is Casey Roma. I should have gave him credit on the bottle.
I have an odd dilemma. This, being that I am both collector and consumer.
After taking the photo, I put your sauce on a shelf with others in my collection. It really stands out and looks totally cool. As I am quite proud of my collection and dig "bragging rights" to visitors at my home, would you not take offense if I showed it off a while before I opened it and tried it? I know I promised I would give you my honest opinion (and I will) but would respectfully ask your permission to hold off for a bit, for purposes so expressed.
I'm cool either way, honored so to have it.  Please let me know - before my involvement on THP, this was an issue that I'd not yet encountered.
The Hot Pepper said:
Try it and put it on the shelf?
Don't try and spin common sense into the equation...   
Reckon I could, but it would look different I think. It does "look" different (ergo why I like it), but the rest are all unopened and I want it to stand out amongst others for visual appeal with no immediately noticeable physical differences . Fair judging has to be done on equal terms.
From "my" perspective, consider the suspect "lineup." Witness says the suspect "had a beard." Now imagine I put a lineup of six random dudes, five are clean shaven and one has a beard. Tilts the perspective. So that's my reasoning...
I'm about a month late on this, and to my knowledge it doesn't pertain to a member here.

I visited a farmers' market in Jacksonville FL on my way back from vacation early July. Once there, I noticed this little place full of plants and pointed to with signs labeled with things such as "plants" and "exotics". I admired all of the greenery, noticing multiple pepper plants before I found the woman who was running the place. When I pointed out the plant I wanted, she warned me they were hot and proceeded to point out a pequin (I think) tree or two she had. I'm not exaggerating by calling it a tree. It was probably 6 feet tall and almost as wide at some points. She said something to the effect of "if you like hot peppers, take as many off of that plant as you want. My husband sprinkles them on his eggs but I can't handle them. Don't be shy now, if nobody takes them, they just fall all over the floor because there are too many to harvest", so I got quite a few of those (not too many since I was in a bit of a hurry, but enough to get some seeds that have now germinated). On my way out buying the plant (for $5 less than the sticker price!), she pulled a couple pods off of the plant across from it, a red pheno of the same pepper. She threw those in the pot so I could "save seeds and grow both colors". All in all she was just super kind and I think I envy her hospitality and generosity a bit. She also had killer prices on full grown plants (a ghost and hab in a 5ish gal pot both putting out pods for $25!). Forum members or not, it seems, ppatb.
Got "served" a Yankee care package by MikeUSMC!  So cool and unexpected. Some offerings from veteran owned business "Nine Line," a local staple wing sauce and some Tree House brews!! Never had any of these things and look forward to trying everything and will proudly wear the t-shirt!  Cheers bud! Good brew tonight   :cheers:   ohh-rah!  PPATB!