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Pepper People are the Best

Kev/ wayright is the kindest chili man in all the land. Looky here

Pepper People ARE the best!!
The backbone of THP!! :dance:

Friday I get this wonderful package from my brother Jamie!


Some of which made for the best Queso I ever ate! :P


And most of the rest were used for a huge jar of hot pickled eggs!!! :P

Then yesterday I get home late to a gift from Bhut Camp! :cool:
I got to open it tonight!!! :onfire:

Rick makes the best sauces bar none ,that I have ever tried!!
This one is amazing !!

Wet finger test on the powders ,,Perfect heat perfect grind!

Thanks again brothers!
I came home today to a beautiful bright spot in my week,, a great gift from Barleypop57..The king of jerky making!!

This is the best jerky ever!!! :dance: Perfect heat and wonderful smoky beef taste!!
I am addicted Mike! I cant stop eating it! :onfire:
If there is any remaining ,I will have it in my pocket tomorrow at the NHRA race!!
It will keep me prepped for the 6$ cold burrs! :cheers: who am I kidding,,I will have my own cooler!

:fireball: It may be a bit hot for the "normal" person! :rofl: I'd hate to be "normal"!! :rofl:

Love the surprise bro!!

I came home today to a beautiful bright spot in my week,, a great gift from Barleypop57..The king of jerky making!!

This is the best jerky ever!!! :dance: Perfect heat and wonderful smoky beef taste!!
I am addicted Mike! I cant stop eating it! :onfire:
If there is any remaining ,I will have it in my pocket tomorrow at the NHRA race!!
It will keep me prepped for the 6$ cold burrs! :cheers: who am I kidding,,I will have my own cooler!

:fireball: It may be a bit hot for the "normal" person! :rofl: I'd hate to be "normal"!! :rofl:

Love the surprise bro!!


That's awesome!! My mouth is watering just looking at that pic.
Joyners Hot Pepper Powders and Salsa Lady are absolute class acts.
I was asking anyone on the forum for Red Savina powder, Mr. Joyner thought he had some, but as it turns out, he was out. SalsaLady dropped some off at my doorstep, with some Red Hab powder, and Joyner felt bad, so he sent me some of his mystery powder and Yellow Ghost. Can you believe that? How cool this is!
This is what makes THP so friggen AWESOME.

I can't say this loud enough... THANK YOU!

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Pepper people are great!!

I may be thousands and thousands of miles away from the majority of you guys, but have had a few dealings and cannot thank yous enough.

Definitely want to try more, unfortunately I don't have much too offer in trades, as I cannot for the life of me grow peppers but am looking into doing some more research and hopefully learning the art of growing..... Hopefully one day

But will to pay if course and interested in sampling some powders from around the globe
I agree with everyone on this thread. I've only been a member a little over a week,and,already a few members have been more than generous. Everytime time I've mentioned that I'm looking for a certain type of seed,atleast 2-3 people offer to send me some,free of charge. Although,everytime they offer me free seeds,I always insist on a trade. Really glad I found this forum. Special thanks goes to:
RedTail Forester
Dia Atton
Nightshade and a few others that I can't think of off the top of my head. Thanks to all of yoy
Dr. Bubra (John) is a new member with vast intrest in a lot of cool stuff. He and his family are from Ghana. He did a search and saw that I was growing 3 Ghana peppers that I got in a trade. He expressed how much it would mean to his family if i could sell or trade some pods later in the season. I ended up with some extra seeds and got them off to him the next morning.
This is what I just got in the mail from Dr. Burba.
All homemade
Kpakpo-Shito Pepper Sauce
Niter-Qibe Spiced Clarifed Butter Ethiopia
Meyer Lemon Limoncello, from his trees
Candied Jalapenos
Honey Ale
Thank you. What generosity.
may 21 and Ghana 1321.jpg

pepperproblem said:
Dr. Bubra (John) is a new member with vast intrest in a lot of cool stuff. He and his family are from Ghana. He did a search and saw that I was growing 3 Ghana peppers that I got in a trade. He expressed how much it would mean to his family if i could sell or trade some pods later in the season. I ended up with some extra seeds and got them off to him the next morning.
This is what I just got in the mail from Dr. Burba.
All homemade
Kpakpo-Shito Pepper Sauce
Niter-Qibe Spiced Clarifed Butter Ethiopia
Meyer Lemon Limoncello, from his trees
Candied Jalapenos
Honey Ale
Thank you. What generosity.
may 21 and Ghana 1321.jpg
Looks like it worked out well for you :dance:
They look good.
yes people here on THP are tops I just got some Chiltepin seeds from Tim in Tucson great fellow its to late to start them this season and I'm out of room, but they will lead off on my 2014 list, I ran out of Pepper powder earlier than I planned, but with all the peppers I was able to grow from a trade with 3/5 King and my friend Chris, I should be able to make enough hot pepper powder for myself and my brother and his son all next winter and into summer before I run out.
Thanks Guys I will be able to restock some of my favorite pepper seeds that I lost when I moved. :)
wildseed57 said:
yes people here on THP are tops I just got some Chiltepin seeds from Tim in Tucson great fellow its to late to start them this season and I'm out of room, but they will lead off on my 2014 list, I ran out of Pepper powder earlier than I planned, but with all the peppers I was able to grow from a trade with 3/5 King and my friend Chris, I should be able to make enough hot pepper powder for myself and my brother and his son all next winter and into summer before I run out.
Thanks Guys I will be able to restock some of my favorite pepper seeds that I lost when I moved. :)
Do you need powder?
Could use a little just to hold me till I can get my own pods, I use it on everything although I will have to hold off on using it now and into June because I will be having a tumor taken out of my guts, and will be on baby food for awhile, so perhaps I better hold off till my Doc gives me the OK.  PM me and let me know what you think, maybe I can work something out with you.
wildseed57 said:
Could use a little just to hold me till I can get my own pods, I use it on everything although I will have to hold off on using it now and into June because I will be having a tumor taken out of my guts, and will be on baby food for awhile, so perhaps I better hold off till my Doc gives me the OK.  PM me and let me know what you think, maybe I can work something out with you.
I wil send you powders. PM sent. Peace. pp
I think I speak for everyone here when I say that Jamie is the bestest!!!!!!!!!!!! :fireball:
Got a care package from my brother today that is loaded with the gnarliest lookin pods ever!!
Thank you brother!!

I started the party with a CARDII!! :party:

And a little Queso  ;)

Thank you again broham!!!  now I gotta think on how I am gonna use these precious beauties!!
Thinkin that fire extinguisher in the bathroom will be used in the coming days!
I'd use a cooler full of Dry Ice and the extinguisher to put down any flare ups and some super soft TP, yow they gotta burn bad.
Pretty nice load of peppers.
I got lucky the storms and flooding didn't hurt my garden although it left a mess from the buckets and stryrofoam cups and scrap boards that got washed around the yard and garden, the back yard at one point had about 6 inches of flood water that came in from the road run off. There is still about 4 inches of water trapped in the garden were the raised beds are at.
The People here are great I had to pass on the offer of Hot pepper powder that I was offered because of what I will have to go through in about a week, not looking forward to it but I'll be able to eat all the hot peppers I want in a couple of months though just as my peppers start to put out pods I'll have plenty of peppers this season if every thing goes as to plans, I'll be able to pass on some seeds to some people. I can't wait on the mystery purple peppers that I had come up out of some seeds I had marked C. cardenasii and one that came out of my C. praetermissum seeds from last year.  I will have some red primo and red brain strain seeds that I will offer out to people this fall.