So, Salsalady did some detective work and got a hold of my address too
Ann, I can't thank you enough! That was so thoughtful and generous of you (even though I need a new mailbox now

)! Again, after hearing about my surgery, Ann very graciously sent me a goody box with a jar of candied jalapeños, (her own) Texas Creek Ghost Fire Sauce, Texas Creek Spicy Worcestershire Sauce, Texas Creek Chipotle Hot Sauce, a bottle of 8 Million SHU "Pure Evil," and a vial of 15.2 freakin' million SHU capsaicin powder!
You guys are too much! I really didn't do anything to deserve all this! I can't tell if you guys are happy I'm home from the hospital, or if you're trying to get me put back in with stomach issues
Either way, you ALL rock!!! I don't know how yet, but I'll definitely pay you all back in some way, shape, or form. PPATB!
grantmichaels said:
Also, prunes are your friend post-op ...
Start prunes ASAP! ...
Dude, 4 straight days of hospital strength stool softener, two days of nothing but a high-fiber diet, prunes, and prune juice were no match for whatever I had brewing in my gut, Grant. It was almost to the time limit they gave me where I had to call the doctor to get it "fixed." Then, a light bulb went off in my head last night......
"You know what makes me 'go' almost instantaneously, even when I don't want to?!?!?!
AJ's Purée with straight Douglahs!"
I still had a jar in my fridge from last season. Made a big spinach and egg white omelette this morning, topped with about 2 heaping tablespoons of Douglah purée. FIFTEEN minutes later, BOOM. Problem solved!