MikeUSMC said:I guess I should've walked all the way out to my mailbox earlier, lol. The first box today was right on my porch, haha
Anyway, HUGE thanks to D3monic for hooking me up with a box of pods and a vial of smoked El Scorponero powder! Can't wait to try it, bro
There's a bunch of D3 Goats in here (different phenos) that I'm going to grow out in isolation for him to help keep his crossing project moving along. The D3 Goat "Giant" pheno absolutely lives up to its name (it's that big ass red pod on the left hand side). Thing is a MONSTER
Thanks again, D3!
I had a hard time wedging that pod in the box. No matter how I turned it was making the box bulge lol.
Looks like upper left there's 4 white bullet habanero and a few wild brazil grouped together. Directly above pepper powder is Sugar rush and aji fantasy most likely.
Directly to the right the two red pods are also phenos of Pequin x goatswee henceforth named Hogsweed
The red cherry shaped pods .. i'm going to butcher the spelling but cerejada amapa. Not much heat, pretty good. Nice foliage. Got seeds from PeterS. Directly to the right of those is a pheno of Aji Amarillo X Caribbean red habanero. Must of come loose from the label. Good to know they falling out so easy. Will try to figure out something better or label each individually since groups fall lose.