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Pepper Plant Noobie questions

Hi I have a few questions everyday so Ill try and post my questions here, also I'm new to this forum so I hope I am posting in the right section.

One of my questions is how come sprouts dry up after a few hours in the sun when I take them out of the grow room?
Whats a recommended Way to get around this?
I have some chili pepper plants in some pots also that are tiny and hardly growing, but there not dried out. Ill try and take pictures of those.

Ok those are my questions be gentle :D.
Young seedlings aren't accustomed to light intensity, radiation, heat, etc. in natural sunlight. Introduce the little guys to natural light a little bit at a time to get them used to it.
yeah like RedtailForester said. you have to introduce them to the outside light little by little. what you do is take them outside for a few hours then bring em inside. After a few days of that, take em outside during the day then inside during the night. After that, transplant outside, then Happy Growingg :D
I see you're from Phoenix Arizona, what are the temps like there?

Like the others say, you need to go real slow especially where you live. Your sun gets very intense and will easily bake the little fellas.

I live in Vermont and the sun's quality this time of the year isn't very good, so I have them under the grow lights. I would love to have your spring climate!!
Thanks for the replies, Superhot most of the days its in the 80's it did get a 100 one day but later in the summer is when those temps are a norm, it gets in the 50's at night.

Yeah ill try putting them outside for an hour ill check in 30 minutes though, because our sun gets really hot :D. I would have never guessed chili peppers are so fragile ill be glad to bite into chili's now from knowing this.

by the way how will I know when its time to start putting my sprouts outside to get some sun?

Also what is grow medium?
You can actually leave them outside NOW, if you like. You just need you lows at night to be no lower than 50F, which you have. Just keep them in a shaded area. "Hardening off" is just getting your plants used to a little more sun every day. 1 day keep them out in full sun for say 1 hour straight. Do that for a few days, then do 2 hours. Increment it a little more at a time. Once you get around 4 hours of light a day, you can probably do bigger increments. I would ask some of the guys here that live in the hotter climates, but these plants cant handle a FULL day of crazy hot sun. You will probably have to use a shade cloth, or something with the same effect.
Growing medium is just what you grow your plants in. I.e in the ground, in Pro Mix in a pot, etc.
You can actually leave them outside NOW, if you like. You just need you lows at night to be no lower than 50F, which you have. Just keep them in a shaded area. "Hardening off" is just getting your plants used to a little more sun every day. 1 day keep them out in full sun for say 1 hour straight. Do that for a few days, then do 2 hours. Increment it a little more at a time. Once you get around 4 hours of light a day, you can probably do bigger increments. I would ask some of the guys here that live in the hotter climates, but these plants cant handle a FULL day of crazy hot sun. You will probably have to use a shade cloth, or something with the same effect.
Growing medium is just what you grow your plants in. I.e in the ground, in Pro Mix in a pot, etc.

Thanks for the great post I will try all this its funny on the back of the seed packet they don't tell you all of this in fact they say i need a place where theres full sun but yes i do live in a place where i get crazy hot sun days. so shade sounds great my tree just bloomed huge leaves and its nice and cool under that tree well cool enough.