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pepper powder in my eye

yeah, I should know better. It was a long day. I was makin soup. The little ziplock bag used to say congo trinidad habenero, or something like that. Its a pretty red orange. I sprinkled a little in my soup. waiting for it to come to a simmer. I'm tired. I, completely unthinkingly, rub my eye. my eye is warm. nope, its not just on the lid- its in the eye fluid, my eye is on fire. its not tearing- it seems to be absent of fluid! I reach blindly above my head and find a one ounce jar and hand it to my son and ask him to pour soy milk in it. He fills it up. I wash my eye in soymilk. twice. No good. I hand it back and command him to fill it with real milk. Thank god that works! good thing the outside of my body is not allergic to milk!

I'm sure other idiots have done this in the past and reported it- just thought I'd share. Real milk makes the burning stop in the eye. Soymilk just doesnt. MIght be an important thing for folk to know!
You're not a vegan anymore you had milk! ;)
I'm not vegan!

thehotpepper.com said:
You're not a vegan anymore you had milk! ;)

I dont trust vegans- they have a tendency to think wheat is a meat substitute. I have been a vegetarian, but I'm not now. too many allergies. I'd die of malnutrition. besides, I like meat. I just cant afford it much.
For some reason I thought you were vegan! Maybe it's your milk allergy and veggie postings.
Well, I'm glad to here your not a vegan. There is way too much meaty meals posted around here and we'd have to convert you. :lol:
Celeste said:
=I'm sure other idiots have done this in the past and reported it- just thought I'd share.

Others have done this accidently in far more intimate places and barely (literally) lived to tell the tale. One couple actually had dicovered this HOT truth in midst of their Hot love making (I read about this confession too on net)

There's lots of hot parts stories around here but unfortunately the search function isn't working well.
I remember getting a splash of home-made hot sauce in my eye and was surpised that it hardly burned, just sort of an acidic feel. I've heard that there aren't really pain receptors in the eyes so the burning happens more as the hot stuff is rubbed or diluted into the area surrounding the eye. If you can flush the eye right away, I believe the pain will be minimized. I too used milk
My mom used to use milk as eye drops even when we had inflammation of eyes due to infections during season change. And it worked better than eye drops of present day medicines.
The relief used to be insatnt.

Naga Jolokia Addict said:
My mom used to use milk as eye drops even when we had inflammation of eyes due to infections during season change. And it worked better than eye drops of present day medicines.
The relief used to be insatnt.


was it cow's milk or her's?
Actually unpasteurized milk is very nutritious and has antibacterial, antifungal, and anti-infective properties but I think its the fat content that helps the burn
Naga Jolokia Addict said:
Others have done this accidently in far more intimate places and barely (literally) lived to tell the tale. One couple actually had dicovered this HOT truth in midst of their Hot love making (I read about this confession too on net)


OH Lord Don't get me started on this one!! I think it smore painful for the woman at least in my experience :)
plenty of times I've burned my eye, & if its bad enough then I'll use milk. milk IS your friend when it comes to chiles :lol:

Celeste said:
I dont trust vegans- they have a tendency to think wheat is a meat substitute. I have been a vegetarian, but I'm not now. too many allergies. I'd die of malnutrition. besides, I like meat. I just cant afford it much.

yep you should NEVER trust a vegan! :lol:
cant afford meat ? theres meat that cost basically the same as some non-meat items, including fruit & veggies! cuz some F/V cost damn near the same price per pound.
I like good meat. I buy it when I can afford it. There are some Hormel products I like. I use a lot of fish and chicken. I eat eggs every day. My substitutes for milk and bread are very expensive. To afford those for me, my boys often get all the meat I can afford.

I'm an artist/college student/single mom. Kind of a self-inflicted poverty. :crazy: I make do. this summer I'll work more, and I'll be barbequing and looking up lamb recipes.:onfire:
I can completely relate to where you are. Heck, I know 101 ways to fix mac-n-cheese. :lol: We don't eat meat every night at my house either. Plus I like to give my little girl a well rounded food experience. We do eat a lot more of chicken than any other meat, just seems cheaper, healthier and I really enjoy eating it whichever way it's made.