WOW! That's alot of powders, gonna last you a lifetime. Enjoy!
Thanks Wasatch, I've really been enjoying them so far.

And just when the party supplies were needin' a refill, luckily some emergency relief aid arrived in today's mail, from Cmpman1974.
Thanks Chris!

Chris sent out 7 oz of his 7 Pot Red Super Hot Mix.
It is his own "custom blend of 7 Pot Jonah, Red 7 Pot, Barrackpore, 7 Pot Orange, 7 Pot Primo & Other 7 Pot Variants"
I sampled a bit of this on a spoon. It had a complex citrusy flavor with a slightly bitter aftertaste. It left me with a good tongue burn and warmed up my mouth considerably.
It also got my nose running like I had caught a cold. Funny, but I went from having slightly stuffed up nostrils, to having to reach for a few tissues to mop up after a steady stream, that seemed to have no intention of stopping.

But the thing that I noticed the most with this powder was the "wanna-drool".
My tongue was burning so fiercely, it just felt like the drool was gonna be coming, had to be coming.......but no it wasn't to be, I was just left with the wanna-drool.
If there is such a thing as the dry drool, maybe in the same sense as the dry-heave, I kept thinking that drool had to be coming, but in the end, I was only teased with it.
Chris also sent along 3 oz of his incredible Chocolate Thunder Mix.
This is a "Custom blend of Chocolate Habalokia, Chocolate Bhut, Black Naga, Trinidad Scorpion Brown, & Pot Brown and Trinidad Douglah."
I took some of this as well, once my mouth simmered down from the 7 Pod Red Super Hot Mix.
When I sampled the CT, I was amazed by how much the taste resembled powdered cocao or chocolate.
The flavor was extremely good, an earthy chocolatey blend for the tastebuds.
Then the heat started to build and things got very intense.
It supplied a very credible upper back of the throat burn, which caught my attention, as it began to throb as the heat continued to build in intensity.
But the place where I noticed it the most, was underneath my tongue. I can't recall ever having had the underside of my tongue scorched so well. It felt like a suckling pig slowly turning on a rotisserie, able to roll around but never fully escaping the oppressive heat.
The extreme outer sides of my tongue were lit up better than a whorehouse's porch light during sailor's shore leave.
The CT has such a long lasting burn that continues to build in intensity, and the drool doesn't hold back with this powder.
This powder can bring the drool on, in a way that few other powders can.
The Chocolate Thunder was so good, that I just had to try Kevin's Douglah for comparison after trying the Chocolate Thunder.
But I found out that the Douglah is still a Big Dog and it really stepped up the drool from where the Thunder left off.
The Douglah doesn't have the high intensity overall mouthburn that the Chocolate Thunder delivers, but where that Big Dog gits ahold of ya, it sinks it's teeth in deep and doesn't let go until you're mauled and hurting.

And a word here about Chris' powders.
These are the best powders that I've seen in terms of quality and the fineness of the ground powder.
Chris' powders have no seeds and the powder is ground to the texture of flour. His powder is so fine, it seems like talcum powder inside the bags.
So my hat's off to both Kevin and Chris, for their contributions and helping to make this Pepper Powder Party possible.
