Pepper Surprise

I just gotta tell someone. :think:

Background: I had a flat of 48 freshly planted seeds started late May in little peat pots. A mix of Jalapeno, Hungarian Wax, Cayenne, Hot Cherry, & Serrano. 3 days after I planted them, my Dad over-waters them, floods the flat, a little water still sitting on the surface 2+ hours later. Grrrr. So I tell him no to water them, they're sensitive plants.
2 days later while he's mowing the lawn, he moves the table the flat's on & topples it. Trys to make it look like it just got jumbled, but still OK - NOT! All the flats were uneven, no telling what pots still had seeds in them, etc. Grrrr...
I scrap the flat into a pile of dirt at the end of the patio.

My surprise today: I notice 5-6 little pepper plants growing out of that pile about 6" tall each.
I'm gonna have to move them before he gets the weed-eater out.

Thank you for reading :)
Yep, peppers are tuff little buggers. I try to kill atleast one on a weekly basis, but they just take the beating I give them. I even try to find ways that they wont germinate or grow, and they usually make it just fine.
Ha ha, Poisonette!:) I have had some of the very same experiences with my parents overwatering my beloved plants... In addition my dad once timbered (by accident!?) a large birch tree right across my colony of small, newly grafted apple trees, guess he was getting tired of me planting apple tress just about everywhere they would fit in in his garden...:think:
I had a similar thing happen, when most of my seeds germinated in a 72 cell flat I let them sit for at least a couple of weeks and then I lost my patience and dumped the pro-mix back into the large container with the rest of the pro-mix within the next few weeks i planted hundreds more seedlings and in the process of filling all of the seed trays i unearthed seedlings that had been growing in the pro-mix but they were not coming out of the soil they were growing under the soil there were 4 in all and they were from 1 inch to 4 inches all were bright yellow and probably on thier last leg but i planted them and all 4 survived and are in the garden don't know what they are yet but they all have numerous pods and blossoms.

There were a total of 6 growing in about 1.5" deep potting soil. They couldn't penetrate the gravel stuff (used under paver blocks) underneath.
I put each in its own pot. It seems they were using eachother for support cause as soon as I got them in the new pots, they were falling over. I tied them up to little stakes to keep them vertical.
We'll see what happens over the next few days.
poisonette, if you have to just add some dirt or whatever you are using until it holds itself up i buried mine real deep because they were just limp plants.
