Pepper X

Yeah word on the street is ed is a master of douchery, and he stole the genetics he calls carolina reaper.

And if you want "pepper x" you have to buy one of those 20 dollar bottles of sauce from hot ones.
rickster said:
he says the new record has been confirmed with Guinness, and
he was wrapping up a few loose ends with lawyers and
the pepper should be releases this summer. but who knows, believe it when i see it.
Dr. Weird said:
The only thing i did notice about Mr. Currie was that he has really yellow teeth :(
I noticed from the few YouTube videos out there, He doesn't carry himself very professional (not that It matters I guess).

On a side note, are these guys just "Rock Stars " to the Chillie head community? (( I use the term Rock Stars loosely).

Any update on Ed's cancer that seems to come and go? Nothing to joke around with, but......
rickster said:
i spoke with ed Saturday at zestfest about the pepper x. he says the new record has been confirmed with Guinness, and he was wrapping up a few loose ends with lawyers and the pepper should be releases this summer. but who knows, believe it when i see it.
Well, I spoke with Ed while I was visiting on Guyana and he told ME that he is using an infusion of Pepper X to create a special edition Puckerbutt flavor of Kool-Aid, and he's gonna debut the stuff at a big part in Jonestown. He Allah told me to buy some new sneakers, so I'll be lookin' freshly dipped for the impending rapture. He then solemnly swore that the Reaper was the first chile he'd seen with a stinger. Then the conductor called out "all aboard" so he jumped back on the hype train really quick, so I just went back to starting some seeds from some real peppers developed by real growers.

Good times.
Bicycle808 said:
Well, I spoke with Ed while I was visiting him in Guyana and he told ME that he is using an infusion of Pepper X to create a special edition Puckerbutt flavor of Kool-Aid, and he's gonna debut the stuff at a big part in Jonestown. He ALSO told me to buy some new sneakers, so I'll be lookin' freshly dipped for the impending rapture. He then solemnly swore that the Reaper was the first chile he'd seen with a stinger. Then the conductor called out "all aboard" so he jumped back on the hype train really quick, so I just went back to starting some seeds from some real peppers developed by real growers.

Good times.





The_NorthEast_ChileMan said:

Well, I did my best. I can't expect to amuse everybody, every time... But I did at least TRY to spice it up, with a nod to the Heaven's Gate crowd, a hype train callback, and an actual & genuine hilarious lie told by Ol' Smokin' Ed.
We will see if pepper x truly gets the record, or it is just another lie to perpetuate the myth of a 3.17 mil mustard pepper. They sold 70,000 last dab bottles at $20 each based on the myth and people bought more even after the sauce was known to be much weaker than the math tells us it should be. The math would mean the sauce had to he as hot as eating pure reapers blended up. Maybe Ed will fix some numbers some time. Nobody was ever shown the lab results saying it rated 2.2 and nobody to this day has tested one higher than the 1.6 something. For all we know the 2.2 could be fabricated.
Anyone who wants the hottest mustard around should get seeds from the Mustard Bomb pepper when seeds become available later this year. They are very hot, but won't be 3.17.
cycadjungle said:
We will see if pepper x truly gets the record, or it is just another lie to perpetuate the myth of a 3.17 mil mustard pepper. They sold 70,000 last dab bottles at $20 each based on the myth and people bought more even after the sauce was known to be much weaker than the math tells us it should be. The math would mean the sauce had to he as hot as eating pure reapers blended up. Maybe Ed will fix some numbers some time. Nobody was ever shown the lab results saying it rated 2.2 and nobody to this day has tested one higher than the 1.6 something. For all we know the 2.2 could be fabricated.
Anyone who wants the hottest mustard around should get seeds from the Mustard Bomb pepper when seeds become available later this year. They are very hot, but won't be 3.17.
Nice analysis, but I got one question. What's up with this Mustard Bomb?
Hey Bike... I apologize for the misunderstanding in my post..
The What? gif was for the deciphering if there was any way to understand it.
The two Funny gifs was a complement to you after understanding the gist.
The Fail gif was to highlight your levity on how this whole Pepper X hype is so far out of hand.
Bicycle808 said:
Well, I did my best. I can't expect to amuse everybody, every time... But I did at least TRY to spice it up, with a nod to the Heaven's Gate crowd, a hype train callback, and an actual & genuine hilarious lie told by Ol' Smokin' Ed.
Sometimes, what's funny in my head doesn't translate well in a post. We be good brother!
I tried my first piece of dried Carolina Reaper ever today  :rofl:
Fully dried but still intact, when i crunched it in my mouth (about 1/6th of a normal sized pepper) all the little flake particles burst into every corner of the front of my mouth, but almost felt like a firecracker going off in my mouth, burning almost as soon as it touched the tongue, without the crackling  :fireball:
Are dried super hot peppers just as hot as fresh?