Pepper X

Bicycle808 said:
Nice analysis, but I got one question. What's up with this Mustard Bomb?
It is a pepper I've been working on. It originally started as an off pheno King Naga. I've been selecting for heat, taste, and pod size and have doubled the heat in just 2 generations. You can find a recent video by Johnny Scoville and lots of pictures on my Seriously Hot Peppers Facebook page. I can't directly put pictures in this post. You can also find Mustard Bomb sauces and mustard from Damon Degrassie at Fat Dogs Flavored Scriracha.
The_NorthEast_ChileMan said:
Hey Bike... I apologize for the misunderstanding in my post..
The What? gif was for the deciphering if there was any way to understand it.
The two Funny gifs was a complement to you after understanding the gist.
The Fail gif was to highlight your levity on how this whole Pepper X hype is so far out of hand.

Sometimes, what's funny in my head doesn't translate well in a post. We be good brother!

I gotcha. I do get confused sometimes...
cycadjungle said:
It is a pepper I've been working on. It originally started as an off pheno King Naga. I've been selecting for heat, taste, and pod size and have doubled the heat in just 2 generations. You can find a recent video by Johnny Scoville and lots of pictures on my Seriously Hot Peppers Facebook page. I can't directly put pictures in this post. You can also find Mustard Bomb sauces and mustard from Damon Degrassie at Fat Dogs Flavored Scriracha.
That sounds rad. I'll have to check it out
As soon as I tasted the first one, I knew I had something special. It didn't have that bad green pepper taste you get with other mustards. It was cquite hot, but I've really boosted the heat and have improved on the taste even more. I was thinking the next generation was going to throw all kinds of colors, but both new generations have thrown all mustards and the pod shape has been pretty uniform. I have another generation already going and if I like the heat level and everything else, I'll start releasing seeds once I sort out the best plants and separate them for pure seeds. Regardless of how well I like them, I'm going to keep seeds each generation and continue to increase the heat. I may even cross it with the Omega pepper and see if it is possible to get a mustard above 3 million.
cycadjungle said:
As soon as I tasted the first one, I knew I had something special. It didn't have that bad green pepper taste you get with other mustards. It was cquite hot, but I've really boosted the heat and have improved on the taste even more. I was thinking the next generation was going to throw all kinds of colors, but both new generations have thrown all mustards and the pod shape has been pretty uniform. I have another generation already going and if I like the heat level and everything else, I'll start releasing seeds once I sort out the best plants and separate them for pure seeds. Regardless of how well I like them, I'm going to keep seeds each generation and continue to increase the heat. I may even cross it with the Omega pepper and see if it is possible to get a mustard above 3 million.
Sounds awesome! You know you will have a lot of people wanting to help you grow it out, myself included, once you decide to release the seeds.
spicefreak said:
He's been saying since day 1 that nobody should bother trying to beat the X because he's got a 5.3 million variety in reserve just in case.Rumours say it's brown.
Nobody is going to try to beat the X b/c that chile is never going to see the light of day.  
If Ed Currie had a brown 5.3million chile, he'd have already released it.  If Ed Currie had a Pepper X, he'd have already released it.  If not for Troy Primeaux's generosity, he never would have even had the Reaper.  He'd be off mumbling to himself about Hab/Ghost crosses and the improbability of seeing a pepper with a stinger.
Boarider said:
Kinda long article, but Ed says he has more up his sleeve,lol.
This sleeve?

lol indeed Boarider, lol indeed! (And no, I didn't read the article.)
Bicycle808 said:
Nobody is going to try to beat the X b/c that chile is never going to see the light of day. 
If Ed Currie had a brown 5.3million chile, he'd have already released it.  If Ed Currie had a Pepper X, he'd have already released it.  If not for Troy Primeaux's generosity, he never would have even had the Reaper.  He'd be off mumbling to himself about Hab/Ghost crosses and the improbability of seeing a pepper with a stinger.
Oh, I don't disagree. I'm just trying to point out that the idea of him having hotter isn't new, even if it is highly improbable.
The_NorthEast_ChileMan said:
This sleeve?


lol indeed Boarider, lol indeed! (And no, I didn't read the article.)
Trust me, I'm just saying he's full of shit and everyone knows it. He seems to be living in a fantasy world were he is starting to believe his own tales.

There's other drama playing out in the background also, Ed is getting caught up in his on little world.
Boarider said:
Trust me, I'm just saying he's full of shit and everyone knows it. He seems to be living in a fantasy world were he is starting to believe his own tales.
There's other drama playing out in the background also, Ed is getting caught up in his on little world.
If Ed was living in reality, we'd never've seen a "Pepper X" to begin with. It only got announced when he saw Dragon's Breath as a threat and we all knew that that was dodgey from the get go.
spicefreak said:
Oh, I don't disagree. I'm just trying to point out that the idea of him having hotter isn't new, even if it is highly improbable.
Absolutely.  We've been hearing that sketchy little boast for a while now....
spicefreak said:
If Ed was living in reality, we'd never've seen a "Pepper X" to begin with. It only got announced when he saw Dragon's Breath as a threat and we all knew that that was dodgey from the get go.
And before any newbies start a thread about Dragon's Breath, start here.... There's 8 pages of


to wade through. And I do not mean what's posted by members - I mean all the news reports posted.

Dr. Weird said:
So, Dragons Breath is horse sh*t too?
I remember reading that it could cause anaphylactic shock, so did bother with it.
That was one guy involved with it misinterpreting warnings about possible allergic reactions to (all) peppers. The truth of the matter is that it's brutally hot but also far from stable and years off being consistent enough to claim a record, whether it's hotter than the Reaper or not.
So far, the hottest two that I've had have been the Chocolate Bhutlah PL and Fatalii Gourmet's Jigsaw Pepper, if you want a real next level chilli.
Dr. Weird said:
So, Dragons Breath is horse sh*t too?
I remember reading that it could cause anaphylactic shock, so did bother with it.
Yea, more horse $hit. This was reported many times, even in scientific journals like LiveScience:

In one extreme case, after a man ate a burger topped with pureed ghost peppers — among the hottest chili peppers in the world — he retched so violently from the pain that he suffered a torn esophagus and a collapsed lung. Another hot pepper, named Dragon's Breath, which was recently developed by botanists in the U.K., is said to be so hot that eating it could lead to fatal anaphylactic shock, Live Science previously reported.
Now when you look at the articles on the right hand side of the above link, what do you see?

Frost Quakes? Have you heard about buildings falling down in Illinois?
Amelia Earhart's plane found? Just in from Papua New Guinea Scientist
Burned bones hold a secret? The secret is the DNA is destroyed.
Sonar causes whale deaths? If that one was true there wouldn't be any left!
Get my drift?
