• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

pepperdan's Glog 2012

little background, always been a somewhat pepper head, to the point of carrying bottles of hotsauce everywhere, local grocery store started carrying orange habaneros, i eat 1-2 each morning with hash rounds and egg whites for breakfast, started making hot sauce awhile back, and got bit by the bug, gotta sweat at least once a day, and it being the off season i got a late start, and planned on over wintering, but turned into indoor growing due to stupid hot weather in the midwest this year

purchased an aerogarden at a goodwill for 20 bucks, thought i would start there, ordered some bhut jolokia's and scotch bonnets from pepper joes, after reading reviews i decided to go with him, i liked his replies to some negative comment

so on with it


june 14th


at this point i started looking into dwc hydroponics

built my first couple of buckets, and installed a couple of cheap wally world grow lights under my desk



few weeks later, and i added a drip sytem


about 5 weeks in, i picked up a cheap 400 watt mh on c-list, picked a corner in my utility room, a few scotch bonnets in soil with the mix

took the sb out of hydro, and dedicated it to the bhuts, because the require vastly differents needs, and then tied 6 units into one with a resivoir so i can test ph and ec in on bucket


now i have really started to prepare for having peppers fresh for breakfast by christmas, upgraded to a bigger light, and they are taking off like crazy





my goal is to have peppers all winter, and use the seeds to go pretty big out doors next summer, right now i have 6 bhut jolokia's in hydro, 1 soil {no comparison}, 5 scotch bonnets in soil, 2 thai dragons just started in hydro, under 1000 watt mh , plenty of light to go around

ph 6, tds 600 +/- which put my ec at 1.2 using cns17
its been awhile not much has changed, old leaves die as new ones grow in, peppers are getting bigger, and apparently hotter, so far to date i have harvested over 100 peppers out of my little space

here is todays harvest


and a little under the canopy shots




yup its December 30th, in the 20's outside and my indoor garden is thriving, i am going to take some pics of above the canopy, i have 2 peppers that are growing into the rafters above the lights, one is right at 6' and another at 7' with limbs reaching 8' and curling back down
Beautiful! Enjoyed the read and pictures in your glog, great job and enjoy dem peppers mon. BTW I completely agree with you, there's nothing like fresh!!!
really crazy growth goin on, i harvested another 3 dozen peppers off a single plant, putting it at over 100, with at least 3 dozen more ripening on that one plant, here are a few pics before i decided to cut back some growth that was crowding the lights way to much, the plant on the left has went crazy sending out stems every nook and cranny it can find, reaching out over 9 feet

you can see a 1,000 watt hps, and i hooked it up to a fan to remove the heat from the room, well since it is winter, i piped it into my home office above the grow room to heat the upstairs and not waste the electricity


here is the fan going into a 6" duct



here is whats going on in my office, i originally removed the vent to allow as much air flow as possible, the plant found a crack where whoever cut the hole for the vent left a space just enough for it to find a way through {yes its dusty in that corner under the table}

Thanks everyone, lot more money invested than any sane person would put into it, but hey I have fresh peppers and its jan and going to be 14 degrees tonight :dance:
Crazy growth. Thats awesome that you have pods mid winter. Hope to have something set up soon to be able to same. Thats for sharing with us!
[quote name='millwin the unfinshed parts of my basement, 8' tallrkman' timestamp='1358391484' post='763624']
Growing in the crawlspace? :)

Thats the rafters in the unfinished part of my basement, its 8 feet tall, my grow area is crowded at 8x8 area of plants, and a few feet extra for my res, and air pump, timers etc
I need to update, I moved all but 1 plant outside, took my best producer and spread it out, and its covering the entire 8x8 area

Also post my 2013 log
Daaaaan, hook it up with the pics brother. I have to see this giant 8x8 plant! Awesome grow you got going on here.
I have to get the wife's new camera, my iphone doesnt like the hps light for some reason, and right now its not pretty in there, I have a severe aphid issue, weeks of neem every other day, did nothing, I wet it down, and fogged it real heavy with de, and it looks like cocaine party at studio 54 in the 70s

It was ether that or lose the plant, I'm amazed at how fast the took over, it has about 30 nice peppers on it too
Well here it is, or whats left of it, aphids just devoured it, it should be 2x as lush, I went through an entire bottle of neem oil, at times hosing it down several days in a row, it just appeared to atract more of them, them dusted top and bottom with de, that helped the existing leaves, but any new growth was viciously attacked

So my only solution was to take it outside under the car port, where the spiders out ther will have Buffett, it worked very well with the others

Thanks, I'm hoping it will recover and start busting out some monster pods, to date it has produced well over 300 pods, it has approximately 35 small to med pods on right now, I'm going to keep it in hydroponics, and under my carport, it will get direct morning sunlight till noon, then indirect the rest of the day to keep my reservoir cool, and save electricity till the end of the season, then it comes back inside for fresh pods in the winter