
I ordered my seeds through Judy after doing quite a bit of searching around. Her selection is excellent, the order shipped quickly and without errors, the prices are reasonable, and included in my order were 3 free gifts of seeds, including the rare Trinidad Scorpion Mourouga. Overall, I was more than happy with my experience and plan on doing future business with In fact, the only quibble I have, and it's a minor one, is that there were some grammatical and spelling errors on the website, which is less than stellar, but I'm not buying the website so I really don't care personally, just thought I'd mention it playing devil's advocate.

Thanks Judy!!
I ordered some red fatali and i got blue mystery and most prolific as an extra gift!

Pepperlover rocks!

Thanks a lot. Definately a returning customer

P.S. it was an overseas order and i got the seeds delivered in my place in less than 7 days! And most important, free shipping!!!
I had to register to give Pepperlover another good review. I ordered around 6 or 7 strains and received all the strains I ordered plus about 6 or 7 packs of freebies. I was a bit overwhelmed with all the freebies, there was not only a lot of freebies but they were also good strains and not just throw away seeds. Germination rates seem good so far, and shipping was fast. I have bought pepper seeds from other vendors before and this was by far the best so far. I will most definately buy here again, and would not hesitate to recommend them to any one.
I also recently made a purchase with Pepperlover (for the third time). Not only are the germination rates great and the freebies a nice bonus, but all of her seeds grow true and as advertised. There's nothing worse than caring for a plant for 6 months only to find out that it is not what you thought it was. I know when I order from Pepperlover that I'm always going to get what I ordered.
Had a good experience with pepperlover last year, so I reordered again this year. Ordered 13 packs last Wednesday, had 16 packs in hand on Saturday. They go in the dirt today. Free shipping and best selection of super hots I've found.

PS - Maybe it's common in the trade, but all the packs had more than the specified number of seeds, in some cases at least twice as many.
I just got my package from PepperLover...All I can say is, THP if you're reading this, she is my official nomination for the Goddess of all things Pepper. On top of my (already sizeable) order, she threw in the following:
  • Orange Bhut x3
  • Yellow Brain Strain x2
  • 7Pot Original Red x4
  • White Bhut x2
  • Giant Jalapeno x4
  • 7Pot Barrackpore x3
  • Datil x3
  • Purple Bhut
  • 7Pot Gigantic Congo SR x2
Indeed, PepperLover is the Bomb! I just finished transferring each breed of pepper seed into its own tupperware container. Here's the results:

Pepperlover rocks. Ordered 8 varieties, and got 6 extra! I read on here that Pepperlover often sends freebies, but I really didn't expect it. I would have assumed freebies were for her 'regular customers'. First time I ordered from her, and I am already going on her site to see what I want next year!

Thank you from Canada!!
10 out of 10! 4 days shipping US to Israel. Amazing amount of seeds per pack! all of them looks good and fresh.
Gift packs are awesome! very very setesfied with everything, this is the second season I'm buying from pepperlover, will do the same next year for sure!

keep it up!

Thanks from Israel!
Placed my second order of the season to PL on Wednesday, for 5 packs. Had 10 packs in hand on Saturday. All the extras are desirable. I know some places send extra "mystery seeds", and some folks like that, which is fine, but I much prefer to know what I'm growing.

I'd like to poll anyone who might be reading this. Have any of you had any trouble germinating Trinidad Scorpion - Original Strain from PL? I want to be clear, this is not a complaint and I haven't talked to Judy about this, but I haven't had any of these seeds germinate. Of the other 12 varieties I got in my first order, I have had good germination, given my method. My method is somewhat crude, direct sow without presoak and I have had some trouble with temperature stability. It could be the TS-OS are more finicky than the other TS and T7P I have. Before I contact Judy, I'd like to know if it's just me (in which case I'll just try again), or if there has been a wider problem with these. Thanks.

Edit: I got my first TS-OS hook today, so no problem with the seed, they just seem slower than the rest.
I am just ordered from a few minutes ago. I ordered Trinidad seasoning, Datil, Golden Rocoto, Bull’s Heart, Haberñero orange, Large Red 7 Pod to grow for my hot sauces to use as the body. I came here to check the reviews and I am now very glad I found the website, can't wait to see what freebies I get.
I edited my post above, but I wanted to note here as well, the Trinidad Scorpion-Original Strain seeds are starting to pop. I don't know if it was an issue with temperature, which I finally got stabilized, or if these seeds just take longer. In any case, there's no problem with the seeds themselves.