
I ordered my seeds through Judy after doing quite a bit of searching around. Her selection is excellent, the order shipped quickly and without errors, the prices are reasonable, and included in my order were 3 free gifts of seeds, including the rare Trinidad Scorpion Mourouga. Overall, I was more than happy with my experience and plan on doing future business with In fact, the only quibble I have, and it's a minor one, is that there were some grammatical and spelling errors on the website, which is less than stellar, but I'm not buying the website so I really don't care personally, just thought I'd mention it playing devil's advocate.

Thanks Judy!!
I think you guys are dealing with a different Pepperlover!  My stuff sucked!  My 7 Pot SR Congo Gigantic batch consists of 1 red pod plant that is as its name says.  The rest are small smooth brown pods - don't smell like a Burgundy or a Douglah - smell quite harsh - no fruitiness.
Bull's Heart turned out to be straight up Pimento.  The Burgundy is a mixed bag - either it is an unstable variety or my seed had the injection of some other genes - only one plant is proper the rest are all small (like a hab) and smell very different - Burgundy smells like vanilla ice cream that has melted and is all over ya kids face! The little pods smell harsh - not fruity at all.  The rocoto never geminated.
So I wouldn't rant and rave that she is the greatest - well not in my books at least.  I will not order from them again.
RobStar said:
I think you guys are dealing with a different Pepperlover!  My stuff sucked!  My 7 Pot SR Congo Gigantic batch consists of 1 red pod plant that is as its name says.  The rest are small smooth brown pods - don't smell like a Burgundy or a Douglah - smell quite harsh - no fruitiness.
Bull's Heart turned out to be straight up Pimento.  The Burgundy is a mixed bag - either it is an unstable variety or my seed had the injection of some other genes - only one plant is proper the rest are all small (like a hab) and smell very different - Burgundy smells like vanilla ice cream that has melted and is all over ya kids face! The little pods smell harsh - not fruity at all.  The rocoto never geminated.
So I wouldn't rant and rave that she is the greatest - well not in my books at least.  I will not order from them again.
do you have any pictures of your plants?
Hophead said:
I would also like to see some pictures and as its only your 2nd post and you signed up to the site 4 days ago here at THP im a bit suspicious of your claim.
I have no reason to go around trashing someones rep.  I say it like it is. 
I don't see wtf the fact that I signed up a few days ago has to do with anything!  I grow approximately 50 different varieties of chili - and I say approximately because fortunately/unfortunately some vendor's seeds are mixed bags and I now have some oddities.
Plants are busy going down now - end of season down south.  I will take pics of the pods that I have picked and post tomorrow.
I made an order from Pepperlover a couple of weeks ago.  Being in New Zealand customs can sometimes be a little overzealous so when my seeds took a couple of weeks to arrive I thought I would follow up with PepperLover.  By far and away the best possible answer, sit tight for a week as it is not unusual to take that long and if they don't show we will sort you out with seeds or money back.  I am stunned, awesome,  I can't speak of the seed quality but in my experience if someone is excellent in one area they tend to be good across the board so I am really looking forward to getting these plants growing!  Thank you PepperLover
Pardicer said:
I am interested in buying a few varieties from Judy however I'm not sure if the seeds will get past New Zealands boarder security (tends to be a touchy subject), has anybody here sucessfully recieved seeds within NZ?
If you ask pepperlover specifically to have the seeds sent in a plain unmarked envelope at your own risk of damage to seeds you should have no worries getting in the seeds to NZ

Nz customs needs a phytosanitary certificate accompanied for capsicum seeds so if they are declared in a package they could well be stopped, however they won't check a plain letter envelope
I've only dealt with Judy once,and will definitely be a repeat customer. Last fall I ordered a few packs of seeds from her,PayPal was messing up and wasn't processing my payment,so,Judy was nice enough to let me send a money order instead. The best part,was that the seeds were in my p.o. box before I even had the money order filled out. Judy is like no other when it comes to caring about customers.
Judy is amazing!! She runs a business that provides excellent quality seeds. I believe she is the best in the seed business! Buy your seeds from her and you WON'T BE DISAPPOINTED!!!
She also provides quick responses to any question the customer may have. Thanks Judy for providing the best seeds!!
I put in an order to a few days ago and I just received the seeds today. Probably 4-5 day wait which I consider good. 

I ordered 10 diff varieties and I got 8 free packs on top of it. The coolest thing about the freebee's were that they compliment the seeds that I bought from them. Obviously they (Judy?) are paying attention to the orders their customers fill above and beyond merely making sure they send the right stuff (which they did as well). 
Very pleased with my order.

On a side note I would like to say that my envelope had been opened and re-sealed with no "we have opened your package" markings from the post office. I don't know if this was done pre-mailing or what. It doesn't bother me really since nothing is missing but I just thought I would throw that in there to make the review 100% complete. 
Because I have had bad experiences with others. She also is very customer driven, and gives bonus seeds. Also tell me your other seed vendor that have monster naga seed?? It's an opinion, your allowed your own. That's just mine. Trust me, you won't change my loyalty!!!
Who has a bigger variety by the way??? Please tell me!!
I like the great germination rate, excellent customer service (goes out the way to ensure you are satisfied) I've ordered from several vendors over the years and never got the same personal customer service) free bonus seeds are also a plus my 2 cents anyways,
Payne's Chiles said:
Because I have had bad experiences with others. She also is very customer driven, and gives bonus seeds. Also tell me your other seed vendor that have monster naga seed?? It's an opinion, your allowed your own. That's just mine. Trust me, you won't change my loyalty!!!
Who has a bigger variety by the way??? Please tell me!!
old barn nursary, Jungle Rain, The Hippy Seed Company ... There are 3 names of vendors off the top of my head with a larger selection (if I remember correctly) just so this is a balanced thread and not all gush ;) don't get me wrong I rate pepper lover as a vendor but I do believe some people don't see anything but the freebies and rate solely on this.
I have had issues in the past with unknown hybrids/mixed seeds from 2 varieties I have received from pepper lover.
However given the amount of great varietes and service I have received from her I take this as simple mistakes. Nobodies perfect. No matter how many freebies you receive ;)